Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Comparative performance assessment seedling method for the introduction of Nigella damascena L. in the Middle Urals

Authors: A. V. Abramchuk, M. Yu. Karpukhin, S. E. Saparklycheva, V. V. Chulkova

Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, Russia E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Introduction allows not only to expand the range of medicinal plants, but also to reduce the severity of the problem of their import substitution. In 2019, a study was conducted at the “Uralets” agricultural farm, on the collection spot of the Ural state agrarian University, to assess the effectiveness of the seedling method for the introduction of Nigella damascena. The purpose of the research: to study the formation of productivity of Nigella damascena in the Middle Urals. The research objectives were to study the most important aspects of the growth and development of Nigella damascena: phenological phases and their onset dates; dynamics of height and average daily growth, productivity. Method of research. During the experiment all observations and records were made according to generally accepted methods. The scheme of the experiment includes 3 options that differ in the timing of sowing seeds of Nigella damascena for seedlings: I – seeding on March 20th (control); II – seeding on March 30th; III – seeding on April 10th. Results. During the first two to three weeks, after planting seedlings in the open ground, the growth of plants was minimal, its value varied in variants from 0.14 (III variant) to 0.31 (I variant) mm per day. The earliest transition of plants to the generative stage of development was noted in I variant, where the budding phase occurred 9 days earlier than in 2 and 22 days earlier than in III variant. The period of mass flowering lasted until mid- August, single flowering – until the end of September. The largest seeds (weight of 100 seeds – 0.31–0.36 g) were obtained in I var. – 66.48 g/m2, significantly lower than in III variant – 11.16 g/m2. The maximum seed productivity is formed in I variant – 100.57 g/m2, the minimum in III variant – 38.93 g/m2. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the effectiveness of the seedling method of cultivation of Nigella damascena – a valuable medicinal plant in the Middle Urals has been studied. The optimal variant allowing to obtain high seed productivity is established.

Keywords: Nigella damascena, efficiency of seedling method, phenological phases, productivity.

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For citation: Abramchuk A. V., Karpukhin М. Yu., Saparklycheva S. E., Chulkova V. V. Sravnitel’naya otsenka effektivnosti rassadnogo sposoba pri introduktsii nigelly damasskoy (Nigella damascena L.) na Srednem Urale [Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of the seedling method for the introduction of Nigella damascena L. in the Middle Urals] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2020. No. 06 (197). Pp. 2‒9. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2020-197-6-2-9. (In Russian.)

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