Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Changes in the microbiocenosis of the rumen and digestibility of the dry matter of the diet with the introduction of gobies together fatty addition of ultrafine iron particles

Authors: Yu. I. Levakhin, B. S. Nurzhanov, V. A. Ryazanov, E. B. Dzhulamanov

Federal Research Center for Biological Systems and Agrotechnologies of the Russian Academy of Sciences E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The gastrointestinal tract of cattle is a large and complex biomechanism for processing substances coming from outside, with their further assimilation by the animal’s body, to ensure normal life and productive growth. A special role is played by the rumen of cattle, in which the biosynthetic processes of the conversion of some chemicals and elements to others,
under the action of enzymes of microorganisms, which have a responsible role in the processing of food components, as well as in a symbiotic relationship to each other. So, a disruption in the work of certain microorganisms under the influence of food factors leads to a disruption in the synthesis and work of the rest of the microbiota, which generally affects the state of the animal bioreactor as a whole. The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of various dosages of ultrafine particles of Fe in combination with a fat supplement, as part of rations on the digestibility of dry matter of the feed, basic indicators of scar content, such as microbial fermentation of the feed and biomass of microorganisms and fatty acid composition. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that the effect of a complex of ultrafine particles of iron of different dosages ϲ a fat supplement on the cicatricial digestion of bulls raised for meat was studied. Methodology and methods. To conduct research, 12 bulls were bred in the conditions of the Pokrovskiy agricultural college-branch of the Orenburg State Agrarian University of the Orenburg region of the Orenburg region. Of these, four groups were selected according to the principle of analogues – control and three experimental, three animals in each, which, according to A. A. Aliyev were imposed scar fistulas. Results and scope. Thus, during the experiment it was found that the optimal dosage of iron nanoparticles mixed with a fat supplement in the diet was 425.6 mg per head per day, which contributes to better digestibility of dry matter by 8.98 % and a higher content of VFA in scar fluid by 2.28 % compared to ϲ control.

Keywords: scar, microbiocenosis, fatty additive, iron, digestibility, dry matter.

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For citation: Levakhin Yu. I., Nurzhanov B. S., Ryazanov V. A., Dzhulamanov E. B. Izmeneniya mikrobiotsenoza rubtsa, krovi i perevarimost’ sukhogo veshchestva ratsiona pri vvedenii bychkam sovmestno ϲ zhirovoy dobavkoy ul’tradispersnykh chastits zheleza [Changes in the microbiocenosis of the rumen and digestibility of the dry matter of the diet with the introduction of gobies together fatty addition of ultrafine iron particles] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2019. No. 01 (192). Pp. …DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2020-192-1-53-59. (In Russian.)

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