Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Organizational and economic prerequisites of emergence of domestic peasant farms, their social and economic essence


Ya. V. Voronina, senior lecturer,

Ural state agrarian university (42 K.Liebknecht str., Ekaterinburg, 620075).

Abstract. In pre-revolutionary Russia (1917), and then in Soviet Russia (1917-1990), farming has not received its development. The situation changed only in 1990-1991, when the Russian Federation began land and agrarian reforms based on changes in the political system of the state. The reform directly affected the organizational and legal forms of management in the agricultural sector of the economy. The first form of management in the new economic conditions, fixed at the legislative level was the peasant (farm) economy. Agrarian reform was aimed at the elimination of state ownership of land and agricultural products. It contained the idea to turn the land into an object of market relations, to create farms on a mass scale and to form a farming way in the rural areas of the country. The concept of” farm “ borrowed from the English language: farming (farming) is generally called farming on their own or leased land, and the farmer (eng. farmer) is the owner of an agricultural enterprise. In this article the economic and legal analysis of the formation of the farm way of life in modern Russia. Peasant (farm) farms as small and medium-sized enterprises in the agricultural sector of the economy have now reached the level of agricultural production of more than 12 %.

Keywords: Russia, peasant farms, peasant (farm) economy, economic and legal basis for the formation of the farm way of life.

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