Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Effect of integrated forage additives Vitex RT on the metabolism and milc quality of cows of Holstein


V. F. POZDNYAKOVA, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor,

O. V. LATYSHEVA, postgraduate student,

I. A. TIMINSKAYA, postgraduate student,

A. V. IVANOV, development director,

Yaroslav state agricultural academy (58 Tutaevskoe higway, 150999, Yaroslavl),

Kostroma state agricultural academy (34 Uchebniy gorodok, 156530, Kostroma region, Kostroma district, Karavaevo),

ООО «Agrovitex» (10 Olympic av., 141009, Moscow region, Mytishchi).

Abstract. In recent years, along with high rates of milk production in Holstein cows there is a number of problems such as difficulty in reproduction and reduction of time of productive use. The use of new types of fodder, balanced feeding allows to increase the yield while maintaining the physiological status and productive longevity of cows. The influence of integrated forage additives Vitex RT on milk productivity and hematological indices of cows a was studied. The research was conducted 2017 in the Moscow region. After the preliminary period two groups of Holstein cows as analogs breed were formed, with 10 heads in each. In scientific-economic experiments the productivity and a number of other parameters were recorded: milk productivity in the period of control milkings, and the mass fraction of fat and protein in milk were determined, blood samplings were taken from the jugular vein for biochemical and morphological studies. Lactating cows from the control group received the ration accepted in the farm, the animals of the 1st test group – in addition to the general economic ration the stern supplement Vitex RT in the norm of 100 g per cow for 24 hours. The productivity of the animals of the experimental group increased by 18.0 % (P ≤ 0,05) for 120 days for lactation, converted into 4 % fat-corrected milk for cows in the period of improving milk yield at a comparatively equal concentrate cost per liter of milk. In the blood of animals of experimental group, the protein content increased by 11.9 % (P ≤ 0.05), decreased lipid level by 15.9 % (P ≤ 0.05). The service period also decreases by 13 days. The results obtained showed that inclusion of feed additives Vitex-RT into the cow diets has positive effect on the metabolism, contributed to increase of their milk yields, as well as of fat content in milk produced.

Keywords: cattle, Holstein breed, milk productivity, yielding qualities, transition period, hematology, feed additives, diet, carnitine, economic efficiency.

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