Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Mathematical model of evaporation in the presence on the soil surface of the plant screen


S. Yu. TURKO, candidate of agricultural sciences, researcher,

K. Yu. TRUBAKOVA, engineer researcher,

Federal scientific center for agro-ecology, integrated land reclamation and protective forestation, Russian Academy of Sciences (97 Universitetskiy Ave., 400062, Volgograd)

Abstract. In article one of concepts of moisture losses at physical evaporation from the surface of the soil of the plant screen is considered. The derivation of mathematical structures for estimating the parameters of the plant screen is shown. This takes into account the geometric and optical properties of vegetation (the area occupied by the skeleton of plants, the height of the latter, the optical density of the plant screen). Real findings on indicators of the plant screen which serve as test material at various calculations are provided. And also, these findings give a real picture of the ranges of parameters and parameters of the plant screen. The calculations show the role played by the plant screen in saving moisture during physical evaporation from the soil. And, it is considered on the phenological phases of plant development. Much attention is paid in this article to the consideration of the dependence of the coefficient λ1 on the properties of the soil. In particular, it is specified that this coefficient, undoubtedly, has to depend on porosity of the soil which depends on many factors: (mechanical and structural structure of soils, their chemical properties, economic activity, etc.). Since evaporation of water happens not only from the surface of the soil, but also from cavities between structural separateness (or mechanical separateness), in article is accented that the general breed not completely reflects a vaporizing possibility of the soil. It is better to associate the coefficient λ1 with capillary porosity.

Keywords: mathematical model, soil, evaporation, moisture, transpiration, optical density, plant screen, parameters, regularity.

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