Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Role of commodity examination in logistic maintenance of commodity streams



candidate of economic sciences, associate professor,

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknechta, 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract. In the article the problem of inclusion of commodity expertise, in a system of logistic support of commodity flows that in- volve changing the place and role of trademark examination, which up to the present time, the types of economic activities does not apply. The author attempted to prove the economic substance of commercial expertise with a view to further its inclusion in a system of logistic support of commodity flows. In this General interpretation of the concepts of expert and expertise, the main characteristics of commodity expertise, reflected its role and importance in the marketing concept of product life cycle. Defines the purpose of a trademark examination and formulates tasks that need to be addressed to achieve it, the above men- tioned principles of examination, its subjects, objects, means, and methods. An overview of existing legislation in the area of expertise and the regulatory framework of commodity expertise. The classification of commodity inspection for the purposes of the study. The following list of types of examinations and classification of economic expertise, including valuation expertise. The list of genera (types) of examinations performed in forensic institutions of the Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation in the section “Commodity examination”. The author presents a sample list of tasks related to the subject commodity of the examination, the solution of which will allow to assess objects. Identified and given the evidence of similarity of the commodity and valuation (economic) expertise. The author proposed to extend the existing concept of “commodity expertise”, to complete the list of types of economic expertise another type of commodity expertise.

Keywords: logistic support, commodity flow, economic activity, expertise, commercial appraisal, economic examination, examination of goods, assessment of goods.

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