Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


№ 11 (202) 2020

 The contents and annotations   №№
the article 

 S. G. Denisova, A. A. Reut

 Study of the influence of adaptogens on the water regime of some varieties of the genus Chrysanthemum L. during the introduction into the Bashkir Pre-Urals



 O. N. Kurdyukova, A. V. Baranovskiy

 Grain sorghum productivity depending on herbicide application

 14-20 pdf

 I. R. Manukyan, E. S. Miroshnikova, T. S. Abieva

 Evaluation of the source material of winter triticale in breeding varieties of grain feed direction for the foothill zone of the Central Caucasus

 21-27 pdf

 M. A. Tormozin, A. В. Belyaev, Е. М. Tikholaz

 Influence of vegetation treatment with growth stimulants and protection agents on seed productivity of meadow fescue Nadezhda

 28-36 pdf

 S. Yu. Turko, K. Yu. Trubakova

 Intensity of grass stand formation on simulation models of pastures for different seasons of use

 37-44 pdf

 T. V. Shaykova, E. S. Volkova, M. V. Dyatlova

 Application new complex fertilizers and biological preparations on the sowing of the fodder winter rye in the Pskov region’s conditions 

 45-52 pdf

 A. S. Barkova, E. I. Shurmanova, T. G. Khonina, I. M. Millstein

 Possibilities of using functional biologically active organosilicon compounds in veterinary practice

53-58 pdf

 A. G. Isaeva, A. S. Krivonogova, I. M. Donnik, K. V. Moiseeva

 Specific features of the microbial resistance assessment in pig breeding enterprises

59-63 pdf

 P. I. Kostylev, E. V. Krasnova, A. V. Aksenov, E. S. Balyukova

 Analysis of the inheritance of quantitative traits in the rice hybrid Kuboyar × Gagat

64-75 pdf

 O. A. Pekhova, L. A. Timasheva, I. L. Danilova, I. V. Belova

 Accumulation of biologically active substances in plants of Elsholtzia stauntonii Benth. grown in the foothill zone of the Crimea

76-84 pdf

 O. B. Raizer, O. N. Khapilina, A. S. Turzhanova, D. S. Tagimanova, R. N. Kalendar

 Polymorphism of genes of antioxidant system enzymes in cultivated wheat species and wild-growing relatives

85-92 pdf

 A. A. Yuzhakov, K. A. Layshev, V. A. Zabrodin

 The influence of genetic and paratypical factors on the meat productivity of domesticated reindeer

93-100 pdf


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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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