Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)



Authors: N. N. MALKOVA, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher fellow,

M. E. OSTYAKOVA, doctor of biological sciences, associate professor, chief researcher,

N. S. GOLAYDO, associate researcher,

V. K. IRKHINA, associate researcher,

S. A. SHCHERBININA, associate researcher, Far Eastern zonal scientific-research veterinary Institute (112 Severnaya Str., 675005, Blagoveshchensk),

Yu. A. GAVRILOV, doctor of biological sciences, professor,

G. A. GAVRILOVA, doctor of veterinary scienses, professor, Far-Eastern State Agrarian University (86 Politekhnicheskaya Str., 675005, Blagoveshchensk)

Keywords: calves, diarrhea, therapy, scheme, blood, biochemical studies, hematological studies, hepatoprotector, vitamins.

Abstract. Alimentary-functional diarrhea of calves is most common among all diseases of young cattle, and they can be complicated by conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, laboratory studies of pathological material are an in- tegral part of the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, which takes several days. In this regard, veterinary specialists need todevelop schemes of therapeutic measures aimed at preventing the development of opportunistic and pathogenic microflora and intoxication of the body, restoration of the function of the gastrointestinal tract and liver function with further adjustment based on the results of laboratory studies. For this purpose calves with marked clinical signs of alimentary-functional diarrhea were selected and control and experimental groups were formed. The animals of the two groups used the treatment regimen adopted in the farm. In the experimental group, in addition to the complex application of vitamins (Pyridoxine hydrochloride, Retinoliacetatis, alfa-Tocopherol acetate, Colecalciferolum), drugs that have hepatoprotective and spasmolytic effects were used. After the measures, clinical signs of the disease were absent in all the animals studied, and a positive dynamics of the blood indices was established in the experimental group. Thus, they noted the restoration of such indicators as cholesterol, glucose, albumins, bilirubin, indicative of the restoration of digestive processes, the activation of metabolic processes, the normalization of liver function. The nuclear index did not exceed 0.1. Thus, the use of the hepatoprotective agent, myotropic antispasmodic and vi- tamin complex as an additional therapy for alimentary-functional calves deer has contributed to detoxification, restoration of digestive function, improvement of regeneration processes and normalization of liver function.

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