Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Microbiological safety of egg products when using probiotic "Nord-bact"


A. M. STEPANOVA, candidate of veterinary sciences, senior researcher,

M. P. SKRYABIN, candidate of veterinary sciences, leading researcher,

N. P. TARABUKINA, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor,

S. I. PARNIKOVA, candidate of veterinary sciences, senior researcher,

Yakut Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture named after M. G. Safronov (23/1 Bestuzhev-Marlinsky Str., 677001, Yakutsk).

Abstract. Probiotic Nord-Bact, developed on the basis of bacteria Bacillus subtilis strains to improve the quality of egg products. Production tests were carried out in the Yakut poultry farm in the workshop number 19 on 30 thousand laying hens from the age of 45–46 weeks of the Rhodonite-3 cross. For the production tests, 3 groups of analogues of laying hens with 10 thousand animals each were formulated: 2 experienced, 1 control. According to the results of the research probiotic it was revealed that after the use of the probiotic drug Nord-Bact in both experimental groups, neither in the contents nor in the eggshell, the presense of conditionally pathogenic, pathogenic microorganisms, in contrast to the control group, which has a higher the content of mesophilic aerobic facultative anaerobic microorganism, the presease of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms Protea, toxigenic fungi Aspergillus spp., as well as potential lactose enterepathogenic atelnyh Echerichia. Therefore after the use probiotic Nord-Bact, microbiological safety of egg products in ensured. The results of biochemical studies after the use of probiotic Nord-Bact show an increase in content of calcium, magnesium in eggshells by 31 %, phosphorus by 23 %, compared with the control. A significant increase in iron and vitamin A eggs in the yolk by 12 %, sodium and, magnesium by 10 %, potassium by 6 %, and calcium by 1,5 % was noted. Thus, after the application of probiotic Nord-Bact in the yolk, protein, shell, the content of vital minerals and vitamins significantly increases. The use probiotic Nord-Bact not only had a positive effect on microbiological, biochemical indicators of eggs, but also reduced egg production (by 1,4 %), contamination (4,7 %), increased productivity (4 %), compared to similar workshop, where did not use the drug.

Keywords: laying hens, probiotic treatment, bacterial strains of Bacillus subtilis, intestinal microflora and eggs, conditionally pathogenic, normal flora, product quality.

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