Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Features of management intellectual capital of agro-industrial complex of the region


E. N. ILCHENKO, candidate of economic sciences,

Kurgan State University (40 Tomina Str., 640000, Kurgan).

Abstract. One of the most important issues in the implementation of the strategy of socio-economic development of the country and regions is the problem of managing intellectual capital. Currently, there are more than 42 methods for evaluating intellectual capital, but there is no single set of indicators in the works that allow assessing the state of intellectual capital; moreover, the works mainly focus on the management of intellectual capital of the country, while the issue of managing intellectual capital is regions and sectors of the economy becomes particularly relevant. In modern conditions, there is an increasing interest in the role of intangible resources. Currently, the application of this concept is in its infancy, issues of intellectual capital management are not sufficiently developed and systematized. The key problem of the proposed methodologies is the issue of developing an adaptive system of indicators that would not be difficult in the process of collecting information and would allow us to fully assess the intellectual capital. It is necessary to consider the feasibility of using indicators at different levels. The paper proposes a structural model of intellectual capital for the agro-industrial complex of the Kurgan region, which is represented by such elements as human capital; structural capital and relational capital. The proposed model accumulates in itself the positive elements of the existing approaches to managing intellectual capital, it is quite “compact” and does not imply a complex system of indicators, which makes it convenient and accessible to use. The main task in developing a model for evaluating the intellectual capital of the agro-industrial complex is the formation of a group of indicators that influence the innovative development of the industry in the region.

Keywords: intellectual capital, agro-industrial complex, structure, approaches, methods and indicators of evaluation.

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