Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The evolution of styrene monomer from polymeric materials used in animal husbandry


V. G. TYURIN, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor, head of the laboratory of zoohygiene and environmental protection,

R. A. Kamalov, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor, chief researcher at the laboratory of zoohygiene and environmental protection,

O. G. LORETZ, doctor of biological sciences, associate professor,

O. A. BYKOVA, doctor of agricultural sciences, associate professor,

N. N. POTEMKINA, candidate of veterinary sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory of zoohygiene and environmental protection,

A. YU. SAKHAROV, candidate of veterinary sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory of zoohygiene and environmental protection,

L. A. VOLCHKOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor,

O. D. NAZAROVA, head of the laboratory of zoonotic infections,

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation, Hygiene and Ecology ‒ Branch of the Federal Scientific Center ‒ All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine named after K. I. Scriabin and Ya. R. Kovalenko Russian Academy of Sciences (5 Zvenigorodskoe sh., 123022, Moscow),

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Libknehta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg),

Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology ‒ MBI named after K. I. Scriabin (23 Akademika Skryabina Str., 109472, Moscow),

Tajik Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Institute for Problems of Biological Safety (67 Giprozem town, Dushanbe, 734061, Republic of Tajikistan).

Abstract. During the veterinary and hygienic assessment of polymeric materials intended for the manufacture of individual houses and cells for keeping calves, it is necessary to consider the indicators characterizing the toxicity, the ratio of sanitary-indicative microorganisms and resistance to disinfectants. Fiberglass on the basis of polyester resin releases harmful substance styrene into the air. The level of its release is directly dependent on the “age” of the polymer product and the ambient temperature. Themaximum level of styrene release into the air is set from fiberglass of 10-day age, at an air temperature of +60 ° C, which is 0.0086 ± 0.0002 mg/m3. The decrease in the level of migration of styrene from polymer material into the air occurs from 10 to 120 days. The level of migration of styrene in the air does not exceed the permissible values established from the polymer 60-day age, which is 0.0018 ± 0.0002 mg/m3. Fiberglass on the basis of polyester resin has high resistance to traditional disinfectants such as: 5.0 % solution of soda ash with a solution temperature of 90 °C, 4.0‒10 % solution of sodium or potassium alkali with a temperature of 70 °C; solution of lime chloride containing 2‒3 % active chlorine, formalin, 2.0‒5.0 % emulsion of naphthalizole and other means. Fiberglass on the basis of polyester resin, used for the manufacture of individual houses and cells for keeping calves for 200 days from the date of manufacture has a bactericidal effect on sanitary microorganisms E. coli and St. aureus. Fiberglass 10-day-old has strong antibacterial properties and this action is more pronounced in relation to E. coli than to St. aureus. In subsequent periods bactericidal effect polymer and weakens the material has no effect on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus by 4-month and Escherichia coli to 6-month age.

Keywords: polymeric materials, fiberglass, styrene, migration, calves, individual houses for keeping calves, polymer resin, bactericidal activity, sanitary-indicative microorganisms, toxicity.

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