Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Correlation of productivity of winter triticale, time of seeding and norms of seeding in the conditions of the Sverdlovsk region


G. N. POTAPOVA, candidate of agricultural sciences, researcher,

Ural Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture

M. S. IVANOVA, lecturer,

N. V. KANDAKOV doctor of agricultural sciences, professor,

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknechta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract.  The article presents the results of experimental researches on the influence of sowing terms and rates of sowing of seed on winter triticale productivity. The authors studied the seeding rate of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 million germinating seeds per hectare and the variant with seeds treatment before sowing at the rate of 6 million germinating seeds per hectare drug Raxil. Sowing was per- formed in the timing: 5, 15 and 25 of August, 5 and 15 of September. The object of the study was the variety of winter triticale Bashkirskaya short-stem. Rye Iset and wheat Kazanskaya 560 released in the Sverdlovsk region were sown as standards. Analysis of productivity showed that winter triticale for grain yield takes an intermediate position between rye and wheat, and in favorable years the yield was at the level of winter rye. Optimal terms of sowing and rates of sowing of cultivar winter triticale Bashkirskaya short-stem in the conditions of Middle Ural have been determined. The highest productivity of winter triticale and winter rye was achieved with middle- and high standards of sowing seeds of 6, 7 and 8 million germinating seeds per hectare. The highest yield of winter wheat was ensured, the average seeding rate of 6 million germinating seeds per hectare. In studying the effect of sowing date was detected the trend towards a higher harvest of triticale when sown in august, especially in the second half of the month (15–25 of August). It is established that the largest grain yield of winter rye is formed in the field of 25 of August. At winter wheat planting from 15 of August to 5 of September led to the formation of higher yields, compared to early and late crops.

Keywords: winter triticale, winter wheat, winter rye, seeding rates, seeding dates, crop yield, cultivation, the crops area.

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