Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Digestibility of nutritious food substances and meat productivity of chicken-broilers at various options and doses of combining complex feed additives


E. V. SHATSKIKH, doctor of biological sciences, professor, head of the department,

D. M. GALIEV, post-graduate student,

Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknechta, 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Abstract.  The article discusses the results of the scientific and economic experiment on the incorporation of the feed additive Karbitox in various dosages into the ration of broiler chickens, depending on the growing period. The test additive is a mixture of mineral and organic sorbents, with a probiotic component. It has been established that the digestibility of dry matter in broilers received as part of the feedstuff of Karbitox was higher than in the control by 1.37–5.46 %. Inclusion of the feed additive in the diet had a positive effect on the digestibility of protein, fat, cellulose and BEV in the body of chickens. The use of nitrogen in the body of broilers experienced groups increased by 0.46–6.82 %. All the experimental groups of broiler chickens better assimilated calcium feed, while there was no adverse effect on the absorption of phosphorus. Against the background of increased digestibility of feed nutrients and the assimilation of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus under the influence of the additive studied the basic productive indicators of broiler chickens increased. Thus, in the experimental groups of chickens, a significant increase in the live weight at the end of the growing period was observed in 1.9–5.8 % compared to the control, while the feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain decreased by 1.8–3.4 %. The European productivity index, as an indicator of the efficiency of growing broilers, was of the greatest importance in the 2 test groups: above the control level by 19 points in the cocks, and by 15 points in the chickens. On the basis of the obtained results, it was established that the most effective scheme for the application of Karbitox in the diet of chickens is a gradual decrease in the dose of its introduction into the compound feed to the finishing phase of fattening.

Keywords: broiler chickens, feed additive with sorption properties, meat productivity, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance, calcium balance, phosphorus balance.

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