Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


To the authors

Requirements for manuscripts of scientific articles submitted for publication in the journal “Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals”

Articles or scientific reviews must be written on current topics and reflect the achievements of modern science in the following areas:

  • general agriculture, plant growing;
  • selection and seed production of plants;
  • diagnosis of diseases and therapy of animals, animals’ pathology, oncology and morphology;
  • veterinary sanitation, ecology, animal hygiene and veterinary and sanitary examination;
  • veterinary obstetrics and biotechnology of animal reproduction;
  • feed production, feeding of farm animals and feed technology;
  • private zootechnics, technology of production of livestock products;
  • economics and management of the national economy.

In the journal they are divided into three sections:

         - Agrotechnologies;

         - Biology and biotechnology;

         - Economy.

Manuscripts for the Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals should be submitted online using the article submission system. The submitting author, who is usually the corresponding author, is responsible for the manuscript during the submission and review process. The submitting author must ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included in the author list and that all have read and approved the submitted version of the manuscript. To submit a manuscript, please follow the link.
If submitting authors have questions about the submission process for the Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals, please contact the editors at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1. Structure and design of the article:
  • UDC;
  • HAC code;
  • rubric based on the above;
  • title of the article (in Russian);
  • Name, Patronymic, Last name of the author (in full), academic degree, title, position, place of work, address and telephone number (in Russian), ORCID identifier and AuthorID in the RSCI;
  • extended abstract – 200–250 words (in Russian) indicating specific results of the study;
  • keywords (in Russian);
  • text of Gratitude in Russian;
  • title of the article (in English);
  • First name Last name of the author, academic degree, title, position, place of work, address and telephone number (in English), ORCID identifier;
  • extended abstract – 200–250 words (in English) indicating specific research results;
  • keywords (in English);
  • text of Gratitude in English;
  • text of the article (requirements are presented below);
  • list of references, sources used (in Russian) - must include at least 15 sources - publications published no more than 5 years ago;
  • list of references, sources used (in English).

Article template

  1. Title requirements

The title of the article is aligned in width (bold 14 font, only the first letter in the title of the article is capitalized, the rest are lowercase).

Initials and last name are indicated below.

The next line contains place of work (study), city, country.

The next line contains the email address of the contact person.

  1. Annotation requirements

The abstract should reflect the content of the article in one paragraph. The main requirement for an abstract is to be informative. The abstract should demonstrate the features and merits of the article, its scientific novelty and uniqueness.

The abstract may include elements: topic and hypothesis of the study, its goals and objectives, results of the work or scientific contribution, directions for future research.

The English version of the abstract should not be a mechanical translation of the Russian version. It is necessary to build an annotation taking into account the vocabulary and grammar of the English language.

Remember that the abstract should be 200–250 words. The abstract text should not repeat the title and text of the article. The author's abstract is intended to serve as a source of information independent of the article! Patterns of structured annotations:

Pattern 1

Target. Studying the causes of crisis phenomena in EU member countries and the contradictions in budgetary and monetary policies in overcoming the consequences of the modern crisis. Methods. The dynamics of economic development of the Eurozone are analyzed based on a comparison of macroeconomic indicators of Greece, Cyprus and other EU countries, namely, the volume of nominal gross domestic product, gross public debt, dynamics of investment in the economy, unemployment rate, consumer price index, etc.; “risk zones” have been identified for those countries whose economies are most affected by the crisis. Results. Based on the dynamics of basic macroeconomic indicators, on the basis of scientifically based approaches and expert assessments, as well as our own conclusions, the relationship between the goals of the EU fiscal and monetary policies in the current crisis conditions of the development of the Eurozone economy has been studied. Comparing the consequences of the financialization of the modern economy with the consequences of overproduction in the real sector of developed economies during the Great Depression (30s of the twentieth century), a conclusion is drawn regarding the presence of contradictions in the implementation of the EU budgetary and monetary policies in overcoming the consequences of the modern crisis. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the relationship between fiscal and monetary policies, when the use of various instruments and the implementation of the mechanisms of both policies are subject to a single goal - overcoming the consequences of the current crisis and ensuring sustainable economic growth of EU member countries in the future.

Pattern 2

The research aims to analyze the development of financial reporting processes in two publicly funded hospitals in New South Wales from 1857 to 1975. Methodology and methods: Retrospective analysis is based on technological and conceptual changes in financial statements during the specified period. Stakeholder theory is used as the main approach, and the analysis is based on both primary and secondary data. Findings and Scope: This study provides historical context for recent developments in reporting and accountability in the Australian public sector. In particular, the issue of accrual accounting is discussed in detail, which gives an idea of the nature of the transformation of accounting in public sector organizations, which can be extrapolated to organizations of other forms of jurisdiction and ownership. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that there have been identified patterns of changes (and stabilization) in hospital financial statements related to the social and political context.

Pattern 3

Target. Identification and assessment of the intensity of long-term consequences of the restructuring of coal mining regions, carried out in conditions of market transformation. The research is based on the methods of the theory of functional specialization of settlements and the theory of restructuring. To carry out the calculations, methods of economic and statistical analysis were used. Results and practical significance. There have been identified trends in the socio-economic development of municipal coal-mining districts of the Perm Territory under conditions of restructuring. There are substantiated the factors that increase the negative impact of restructuring programs on territorial development. There have been identified the territories most affected by the restructuring and the key shortcomings of the implemented territorial development programs. Scientific novelty. There are revealed the long-term negative consequences of implementing restructuring programs in the absence of clearly substantiated mechanisms for territorial development. There are substantiated the specifics of the influence of programs for restructuring city-forming enterprises on various elements of complex spatial settlement systems.

  1. Keyword requirements

Keywords are words or phrases of 2-3 words that are used as a metadata element to search for articles in electronic databases and aggregators, and therefore should reflect the discipline (field of science within which the article was written), topic, purpose and object of research. The approximate number of keywords is 8–10 (for Russian and English versions).

  1. Requirements for the article structure

Based on the international standards requirements, the editors of the journal “Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals” recommend using the IMRAD structure when writing an article in order to logically present the research results.

I (Introduction/Problem Statement) – statement of the problem in general terms and its connection with important scientific or practical problems, tasks, and previously conducted research. This section recommends an analysis of recent studies and publications that lay the foundations for solving this problem, on which the author relies. If the author analyzes a large body of literature, it is recommended to separate this analysis into a separate section Literature/Degree of development of the problem. Based on the analysis, the author identifies previously unresolved parts of the general problem, which this article is devoted to, and formulates the goals of the article (setting the task).

M (Methods/Methodology and Research Methods) - in this section, the author is recommended to detail the methodological approach, the main theories on which the author relied during the study, provide the research methodology for possible reproduction by other scientists in order to verify data or continue research into the problem as part of monitoring.

R (Results) – it is a presentation of the main research material with full justification of the obtained scientific results. The location in the text, the number and content of tables and figures should be determined by the logic of the article. The results, presented in graphical or tabular form, must contain an explanation (not a description!) and be used as an evidence base for the theoretical concept of the article.

D (Discussion and Conclusion) – conclusions from this research and prospects for further development in this direction.

  1. Requirements for the length of the article

The length of the article must be at least 0.5 pp. and no more than 1 p.l. (40 thousand characters with spaces). Font Times New Roman 14 point, 1.5 spacing, margin on all sides 20 mm, text should be formatted in width, without hyphens, with a paragraph indent of 1.25 cm).

  1. Requirements for tables, figures and graphs

In addition to the file with the text of the article, all drawings in the original format (*jpeg, *jpg, *tiff, *xls) must be submitted in separate files, except for drawings made in the Microsoft Word text editor. All drawings must be numbered sequentially. The volume of presented illustrative materials should not exceed A4 format. Figures must be “readable”; inclusion of digital and textual material in small font (less than 12 pica) is unacceptable. All graphic materials must be black and white and/or full color (if possible)!

Digital data is presented in a table. Tables should not be bulky (no larger than A4 format). Each table must have a serial number and name. The tables are numbered continuously. Abbreviations of words in tables are not allowed, with the exception of units of measurement. An electronic version of each table and figure is provided in a separate file. The tables are formatted in Times New Roman font, 12 pica, single spacing.

It is also necessary to translate the titles of illustrations, illustration data, tabular data along with headings, indicators and notes themselves, i.e. tables and illustrations are first given in Russian, then in English.

  1. Requirements for filling out of footnotes and bibliography

Footnotes are drawn up in square brackets according to the text of the article, indicating the source number in the bibliographic list and the page or article of the normative act referred to by the author (for example: [1] or [4; 5]). The bibliography should contain at least 15–20 sources – publications published no more than 5 years ago. At least three of them are sources from Web of Science & Scopus.

An article bibliography is an obligatory element of an article and is included in the total number of pages. The bibliographic list is formed at the end of the article as sources are mentioned in the text (not alphabetically or according to the hierarchy of sources). Duplication of names is not allowed, as well as the indication under one number of several names of sources or literature used. If a publication has a DOI, be sure to indicate it.

For example:

  1. Agafonova N. N. Civil law: textbook. manual for universities / Under general. ed. A. G. Kalpina. Ed. 2nd, revised and additional Moscow: Yurist, 2002. 542 p.
  2. Gontmakher E. The fate of the Russian state depends on whether the new president is able to renew the Russian political elite [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 01/23/2008).
  3. Orekhov S.I. Hypertext method of organizing virtual reality [Electronic resource] // Bulletin of the Omsk State Pedagogical University: electronic scientific journal: [site]. 2006. URL: (access date: 01/10/2007).
  4. Abramov A. M. Silence of professionals // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. 2010. May 27.
  5. On amendments to Article 30 of the law of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug “On the public service of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug”: Law of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug dated May 19, 2006 No. 721-OZ // Meeting of Deputies of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. 2008. May 24.
  6. Russia and the world: humanities. problems: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. / St. Petersburg state University of Waters communications. 2004. Issue. 8. pp. 64–81.
  7. Fenukhin I.V. Ethnopolitical conflicts in modern Russia: the example of the North Caucasus region: dis. ...cand. watered Sci. Moscow, 2002. 178 p.
  8. Deming W. Edwards. The new economics for industry, government, education. 1900. 367 p.
  9. On arbitration courts in the Russian Federation: Federal constitutional law of April 28, 1995 No. 1-FKZ (as amended on July 12, 2006) // Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. No. 18. Art. 1589.
  10. Shper V. L. Again about quality, definitions and related matters // Methods of quality management. 2002. No. 1. P. 43–47.
  11. On the introduction of bonuses for complexity, intensity and high quality of work [Electronic resource]: instruction of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 1992 No. 1-49-U. The document was not published. Access from the reference legal system "ConsultantPlus".

Bibliographic information is indicated in the description in the form in which it is given in the source of information. For normative acts, the list indicates the initial and latest edition.

Filling out of the References list

If the article you are citing is written in Latin (English, German, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Danish and other languages using the Roman alphabet), the link to it should be provided in the original language of publication.

Example (article in a German journal in German):

Janzen G., Hawlik M. Orientierungim Raum: Befundezu Entscheidungspunkten. Zeitschriftfür Psychologie. 2005; 213(4):179–186. (In German.)

But first, the authors are indicated in a straight light font, then the title is also in a straight light font, then after the dot the name of the journal is in italics, then after the dot the year, then a semicolon and the volume (number) of the journal, then a colon and a page interval separated by a dash without spaces.

If the article is NOT written in Latin - in Cyrillic (including Russian), in hieroglyphs, etc., you need to provide an OFFICIAL TRANSLATION or translate it into English yourself (paraphrase) - for the titles of the articles. For books, in this case, it is necessary to provide a transliteration into Latin and a translation of the title into English. At the end of the description, indicate the language of publication in parentheses.

Publication title. If the work you are citing has an official translation into English or an English version of the title (you should look for it on the journal’s website, in databases, including eLibrary), you should indicate this. If official sources do not provide the title of the publication in Latin, you should translate it into English yourself (paraphrase).

Publication name (journal). Some non-English-language scientific publications (journals) have, in addition to the name in their native language, an official “parallel” name in English. Thus, for the References list, the translated name should be indicated in the link to an article from a Russian-language journal. It can be taken either from the official website of the journal (or use data on the correct spelling of the English title from the cited article), or check its availability in a database, for example, in CAS SourceIndex, the WorldCat library or the Web of Science (ISI) catalog of titles in the database MedLine (NLM Catalog). If the journal does not have an official name in English, the Transliteration according to the BGN system must be provided in the References. You should not translate journal titles yourself.

Place of publication. The place of publication in references should always be indicated in English and in full - not in transliteration or abbreviations. That is, Moscow, and not Moskva and not M., Saint Petersburg, and not Sankt Peterburg and not SPb.

Name of publisher. Unlike the place of publication, the publisher's name should only be transliterated for references in References (except in the extremely rare cases where the publisher has a parallel official English title).

To automatically transliterate Russian-language sources into Latin, it is recommended to contact the website (transliteration standard - BGN; setting before transliteration).


  1. Golubev A. V. Opportunities for the development of Russian crop production in the context of global challenges. Agrarian Scientific Journal. 2020; 11:4–10. DOI: 10.28983/asj.y2020i11pp4-10. (In Russ.)
  2. Simonova V. V., Dymina E. V. Decorative floriculture in landscape design. Modern problems of landscaping the urban environment: materials of the national (all-Russian) scientific and practical student conference. Novosibirsk, 2020. Pp. 118–121. (In Russ.)
  3. On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 24 July 2007 No. 209-FL. Access from ref.-legal system “ConsultantPlus”. (In Russ.)
  4. Kadtsyn I. I. Improving the operational and technical and economic characteristics of geothermal heat transformers: abstract of the dissertation ... candidate of technical sciences: 05.14.04. Krasnoyarsk, 2022. 22 p. (In Russ.)
  5. Vorob’eva L. A. Theory and practice of chemical analysis of soils. Moscow: GEOS, 2006. 400 p. (In Russ.)

Electronic sources are formatted as follows:

Tatarchuk A. P. Influence of Growth Stimulants on the Generating of Seeds of Astra Annual. Agricultural education and science [Internet]. 2022 [cited 2023 Oct 06]; 2. Available from: (In Russ.)

  1. About the authors (in Russian):

First name, patronymic, last name, position held, academic degree and title (if any), place of work (study), address; ORCID, AuthorID in RSCI. Email

In English (Authors’ information), the name is written in full, the patronymic is written in one letter.

10. Copyright

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following: Authors retain copyright in their work and grant this journal first publication rights under a Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits others to distribute the work, provided they maintain attribution to the original authors and the original publication in this journal.
Authors retain the right to make separate contractual arrangements for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work as published here (e.g., depositing it in an institutional repository, publishing it in a book), with a link back to its original publication in this journal.
Authors may make their work available on the Internet (e.g., in an institutional repository or personal website) before and during the review process by this journal, as this may lead to productive discussion and more citations of the work (See The Effect of Open Access).

     11. Open Access and Article Processing Fees

All articles published in the journal Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals are published in open access. An article processing fee of 6,600 Russian rubles applies to articles accepted after peer review. This article processing fee covers the costs of peer review, editing, typesetting, long-term archiving, and journal management. Payment is made only after the contract is concluded and the invoice is issued by the journal editors.

     12. Open publications’ access

Published articles are provided with free open access on the websites,, Each article is assigned a unique electronic identification number doi.

     13. Contacts of the journal editors

Editorial address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, Karl Liebknecht st., 42,

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

More detailed information is presented in the corresponding section on the journal’s website.

Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

Address: 620075 Ekaterinburg, ul.Karla Libknekhta, 42,

+7 (343) 221-40-01; 371-33-63 - rectorate

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