Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Russian village: problems of abandonment of rural settlements

Authors: B. A. VORONIN, doctor of law, professor, I. P. CHUPINA, doctor of economics, professor, Ya. V. VORONINA, senior lecturer, Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknekhta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)

Keywords: rural areas, social infrastructure, unemployment, the abandonment of Russian villages, the unprofitability of production of the vehicle, the demographic situation.

Abstract: This article discusses the modern Russian village where infrastructure and innovative potential are not always and not everywhere developed. These are abandoned villages where elderly workers live out their lives. This and overgrown with weeds field. Not just rural residents leave their homes. Lack of financial resources makes them go to the city to work. Many people stay there, especially young people. Deserted villages become problematic for state and local authorities. They closed the outlets, clinics, mail stop operation of the vehicle. There are many reasons for unsettled small villages: first of all, the lack of financial resources for the maintenance and development of social infrastructure. In the eighties of the twentieth century began the process of “quiet collectivization”, that is, the consolidation of collective farms and the closure of “unpromising” villages, no better situation in our time. In 2017–2018, the rural population in Russia averages 25.8 %, and in the Sverdlovsk region even lower – 16 %. In the larger villages, where the administrative settlement centers are located, things are a little
better. Although there are still schools, post offices and clubs, there is a medical center, a shop and a kindergarten, but jobs are limited there. Therefore, these settlements gradually there is an outflow of residents to nearby cities. Even at a higher level is the modern Russian village in which the main roads are paved, gas is carried out, houses with Central heating and Sewerage are built. But the houses in such villages are erected as a rule by urban residents for suburban recreation and leisure to be able to spend the summer months in ecologically clean areas. The village in Russia is traditionally an integral part of the national character and culture. Therefore, the support and preservation of the village should be engaged in for the production of quality agricultural products, and to ensure food, territorial, and, consequently, national security.

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