Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The best diploid varieties of red clover Smolensk breeding

Authors: O. V. Kurdakova, S. V. Ivanova, A. M. Konova, A. Yu. Gavrilova

Federal Scientific Center of Bast Crops, Smolensk, Russia E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The purpose of the research is to conduct a comparative assessment of the variety numbers (height, yield of green mass and air-dry matter, percentage of leaf content, leaf yield) and identify the most productive for creating new varieties. The object of research was 2 variety numbers (A-44 and S-434) as the most productive, in comparison with the standard zoned variety of meadow clover Smolenskiy 29 in the conditions of a relatively aligned background of mineral nutrition, optimal density of standing herbage from the first stages of selection, optimal timing of sowing and timely care and harvesting. Observations and accounting were performed according to generally accepted methods. Results and practical significance. The article presents the results for 2009–2010 and 2012–2013 on economically valuable indicators of promising cultivars of meadow clover: winter hardiness, duration of the growing season, height, leafage percentage, yield of green mass, air-dry matter, yield of leaves and seeds. In the competitive variety testing, the best indicators were demonstrated by the A-44 and S-434 variety numbers, whose growing periods were shorter by 8 and 16 days, respectively, of the standard variety. Variety numbers had high winter hardiness (95.3 % and 97.4 %), yield of green mass at the level of 54.5 and 64.8 t/ha, air-dry matter – 12.5 and 14.3 t/ha, seeds – 2.6 and 2.9 c/ha, leafiness (48.4–49.2 %), leaf yield was 4.5 and 4.7 t/ha, the content of raw protein in the dry matter of plants – 17.10 and 17.3 %. The profitability of cultivation for seeds was 61.8 % and 42.2 %, while the lowest cost of harvesting for green mass was observed (462.6 and 452.1 rub.). Scientific novelty. For the North-Western and Central regions of the Russian Federation, models of varieties have been developed that differ in a complex of economically valuable features and properties.

Keywords: selection, meadow clover, yield, green mass, collection, air-dry substance, leaf yield.

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For citation: Kurdakova O. V., Ivanova S. V., Konova A. M., Gavrilova A. Yu. Luchshie diploidnye sorta klevera lugovogo smolenskoy selektsii [The best diploid varieties of red clover Smolensk breeding] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2020. No. 05 (196). Pp. 2–10. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2020-196-5-2-10. (In Russian.)

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