Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Productivity of soybean varieties in the Central Non-Chernozem region using different rates of growth regulator application


A. A. Tevchenkov,

Z. S. Fedorova,

E. I. Senichev

Lipetsk Rapeseed Research Institute – the branch of the Federal Scientific Center “V. S. Pustovoit All-Russian Research Institute of Oil crops”, Lipetsk, Russia

Kaluga branch of the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev, Kaluga, Russia

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Abstract. When growing environmentally friendly soybean products, it is necessary to use safe and low-hazard fertilizers, plant protection products and biostimulants. Their use increases productivity, reduces cultivation costs and produces high-quality products. The purpose of the research was to study the influence of different rates of application of the growth regulator “Zerebra Agro” on plant growth, the formation of the symbiotic apparatus, the size and quality of the soybean yield. Research methods. On the base of three years of research, an analysis was made of the influence of growth regulator application rates on the symbiotic apparatus, yield and quality of soybean seeds. Scientific novelty. In the weather and climatic conditions of the Non-Chernozem Zone of the Kaluga Region, the optimal rate of application of the growth regulator “Zerebra Agro” to increase soybean yields was determined for the first time. Results. Spraying vegetative plants of the Georgia variety at a rate of 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 l/ha contributed to an increase in plant height by 3.6–6.3 cm, leaf area by 7–16 %, dry aboveground mass by 5–10 %, underground mass – by 6–12 %, and in the Pripyat’ variety – an increase in plant height by 2.7–4.6 cm, leaf area – by 2–6 %, dry aboveground mass – by 3–6 %, underground mass – by 3–7 %. In the studied soybean varieties, the number and weight of nodules significantly increased when treated with the drug at a rate of 0.10 and 0.15 l/ha. The use of the growth regulator “Zerebra Agro” contributed to an increase in the seed yield of soybean varieties: Georgiy by 0.12–0.80 t/ha, and Pripyat’ by 0.24–0.54 t/ha. A significant increase in yield by 0.8 t/ha and protein content in seeds by 1.3% was noted when plants of the Georgia variety were treated at a dose of 0.20 l/ha. In the Pripyat’ variety, an increase in the protein content in the seeds was noted in all variants of using the “Zerebra Agro” preparation.

Keywords: soybean, growth regulator, dose, symbiotic apparatus, yield.

For citation: Tevchenkov A. A., Fedorova Z. S., Senichev E. I. Urozhaynost’ sortov soi v Tsentral’nom Nechernozem’e pri ispol’zovanii razlichnykh norm vneseniya regulyatora rosta [Productivity of soybean varieties in the Central Non-Chernozem region using different rates of growth regulator application] // Agrarian Bulletin od the Urals. 2024. Vol. 24, No. 01. Pp. 22–31. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2024-24-01-22-31. (In Russian.)

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