Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


№ 01 (204) 2021


The contents and annotations №№ 
the article


 V. K. Dridiger, N. A. Gorshkova

Influence of sowing dates and methods of weed control on the growth, development and productivity of sunflower in direct seeding technology


 A. N. Sarychev, D. E. Mikhalkov, A. V. Vdovenko, O. M. Vorobyeva

Agroecological conditions of winter wheat cultivation under the protection of forest belts


 S. A. Semina, E. V. Zheryakov, Yu. I. Zheryakova

Dynamics of the macronutrients content in sugar beet plants under the application of microfertilizers



 N. A. Bezborodova, V. V. Kozhukhovskaya, O. V. Sokolova, E. V. Pechura, A. S. Romanova

The role of PCR in the diagnosis of species-specific chlamydia in cattle


 O. V. Gorelik, A. A. Lavrov, Yu. E. Lavrova, A. A. Belookov

Reasons for the disposal of cows, depending on the origin


 F. A. Davletov, K. P. Gaynullina, A. V. Pleshkov

Patterns of thousand-seed weight inheritance in F1 and F2 pea hybrids


 K. P. Nazarova, G. Yu. Berezkina

Milk productivity and reproductive performance of black and white cows, depending on the technology of milk production


 Z. S. Sanova

The level of milk production Jersey cows depending on genealogy



 I. V. Velikanova

Increasing the efficiency of the machine system using intensive technologies for growing flax


 M. S. Petukhova

Research of grain yield dynamics in Russia in the context of scientific and technological development of the crop production industry


 Chen Qiujie

The impact of Sino-US trade friction on Sino-Russian soybean trade cooperation



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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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