Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The level of milk production Jersey cows depending on genealogy

Authors: Z. S. Sanova

Kaluga Research Institute of Agricultural Sciences – branch of the Russian Potato Research Center named after A. G. Lorch, Kaluga Experimental Agricultural Station, Russia *E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The purpose of the research. Was to study the milk productivity and reproductive abilities of Jersey cows in the context of bulls and their fathers. Object of research. Cows, bulls-fathers of the Jersey breed in the breeding reproducer, data from the “Selex” program. Results and practical significance. The results of evaluating the use of Jersey bulls by a set of characteristics are shown. Indicators of daughters of some bulls-producers are given; milk productivity and reproductive qualities. A wide range of characteristics was evaluated – from milk productivity and reproductive qualities, to health indicators (milk yield coefficient, milk yield rate, and animal body weight (exterior). It is shown that there is a sufficient spread of productivity values in the herd for some indicators, the best are the daughters of some bulls, and for others, the daughters of others. The best bulls of VJ Lutz, VJ Hihl and DJ Hulk with productivity of daughters more than 6000 kg, as well as the worst bulls of Q Hirse and VJ Lurak with yields below 6000 kg were identified. The percentage of fat in milk (more than 6.0 %) was higher in the daughters of Q Hirse, VJ Lutz. The coefficient of dairy cows depending on the bulls-producers ranged from 1267 (father VJ Zdzhorup) to 1575 kg (father VJ Herodot). The conducted research will allow selection and selection of bulls and cows taking into account the genetic trend in generations, and regulate the level of intensity of the selection process in the population. Scientific novelty. Breeding work in cattle breeding Kaluga region is to increase breeding value and enhance the productive qualities of Jersey cattle. For the first time in the region, a comprehensive assessment of imported Jersey cows on productive, reproductive and technological characteristics was given.

Keywords: Jersey breed, milk productivity, reproductive abilities, lines, bulls, genealogy.

For citation: Sanova Z. S. Uroven’ molochnoy produktivnosti dzherseyskikh korov v zavisimosti ot genealogii [The level of milk production Jersey cows depending on genealogy] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2021. No. 01 (204). Pp. 60‒69. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2021-204-01-60-69. (In Russian.)

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