Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Volume 23, № 10 (2023)

 The contents and annotations    №№ pages'  Download the article

Yu. S. Ivanova, M. N. Fomina

Evaluation of technological indicators of collection varieties of oats in the Tyumen region

2-10  pdf

V. Yu. Skorokhodov

The effect of temperature stress on the barley yield in the Orenburg region

11-21  pdf

 A. A. Shamanin, L. A. Popova

Two-cut use of perennial fodder agrocenoses in the conditions of the northern regions of Russia

22-33  pdf

F. T. Gerieva, Z. I. Revazova

The results of testing promising varieties of potatoes in the foothills Republic of North Ossetia – Alania

34-48 pdf

G. Ya. Krivosheev, A. S. Ignatiev, N. A. Shevchenko

Selection of early ripe corn hybrids of universal use

49-57 pdf

O. E. Merezhko, E. V. Aminova

Evaluation of hybrid apple seedlings according to the main economic and biological characteristics in the Orenburg region

58-68 pdf

N. V. Ryago

Features of micro clone reproduction of some currant representatives of the genus Ribes spp.: review

69-80 pdf

N. I. Tatarkina, M. A. Svyazhenina, E. A. Ponomareva

The use of exterior assessment in the selection of Holstein cattle

 81-90 pdf

E. V. Shatskikh, D. E. Korolkova-Subbotkina

Development of the pancreas in broiler chickens when synbiotics and phytobiotics are included in the diet

 91-102 pdf

A. A. Yuzhakov, S. M. Zuev, V. V. Elsakov, K. A. Layshev

Features of the organization of fence keeping of reindeer in the forest zone of the Tyumen North

103-113 pdf

O. G. Afanaseva, E. A. Ivanov, A. E. Makushev

Hop growing in the Czech Republic: ways of organizing production and solving modern problems

114-123 pdf

A. A. Dubovitskiy, E. A. Klimentova

Assessment of the impact of the intensity of agricultural land use on economic efficiency

124-133 pdf

Yu. V. Kopylova

Migration processes in rural areas and alternative employment of rural population

134-144 pdf

L. V. Saburova, E. M. Kot, P. E. Ivanyushina

Issues of expanding state support for educational and experimental agricultural and educational institutions

145-154 pdf


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