Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


№ 11 (214) 2021

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 V. V. Valdayskikh, E. P. Artemyeva, M. Yu. Karpukhin, R. V. Mikhalishchev

Comparative yield of large-herb plants when grown in the Middle Urals


 E. A. Demina, A. I. Kincharov, T. Yu. Taranova, K. Yu. Chekmasova

Assessment of adaptability of spring soft wheat varieties in forest-steppe conditions of the Middle Volga region


 B. N. Nasiev, N. Zh. Zhanatalapov, A. K. Bekkaliev, A. K. Bekkalieva

Assessment of ways to use pastures in semi-desert zone of West Kazakhstan


 G. G. Karlikova, A. F. Konte

Multivariate regression analysis of dairy characteristics of Holstein cows


 L. P. Kudryavtseva

The stability of varieties is an important element of the integrated protection of flax from


 A. A. Reut, S. G. Denisova

Comparative analysis of the content of heavy metals in raw materials of some representatives of the genus Paeonia L.


 B. S. Dzhabrailova

Opportunities to involve unused agricultural land in the turnover in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District


 L. N. Dulepinskikh, A. G. Svetlakov

The economic nature of the development of anti-paradigm phenomena of the new economic policy of the state in the agricultural sector of the economy


 O. V. Isaeva

Agrarian structure of the Rostov region: level of development and governance mechanisms


 N. V. Murashova

Assessment of rural areas’ readiness for digital transformation of the social sphere



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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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