E. M. Kot,
F. V. Makhankov,
A. S. Lylov,
M. V. Larin
Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
Perm State Agrarian and Technological University named after Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov, Perm, Russia
Ural State University of Economics, Ekaterinburg, Russia
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Abstract. The purpose is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the problems and prospects of rural developmentin Russia, as well as to propose specific measures to improve the current situation and improve the quality of lifeof the rural population. Methods. This work uses both general scientific and specific research methods, includingbibliometry, comparative analysis, classification, synthesis, deduction, as well as economic, mathematical andstatistical methods. Scientific novelty. The approaches affecting the quality of the mechanism of state regulationand support for agricultural producers are proposed. A special place is occupied by the discussion of the role ofdigital and information technologies in improving the efficiency of agricultural production. The authors presentoptions for using Big Data technologies, the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence to optimize productionprocesses, increase productivity and reduce costs. It is shown that the introduction of modern technologies cansignificantly increase the competitiveness of Russian agriculture in the world market. Results. A critical analysisof existing rural development programs has been carried out, and the main reasons for their low efficiency havebeen identified. The concepts related to the socio-economic processes taking place in rural areas and affecting theirdevelopment are considered. A semantic assessment of the significance of the terms has been carried out. Specialattention is paid to the issue of replacing the term “rural territories” with the term “rural settlements”, since thelatter better reflects the essence of the problem and contributes to a more accurate perception of regulatory documents.The importance of taking into account the interests of various groups of the population in the developmentand implementation of development programs, including representatives of small and medium-sized businesses,farmers and owners of private farms, is also emphasized. The analysis of participants in rural development programsis carried out.
Keywords: rural territories, rural areas, mechanism of state regulation, organizational and economic mechanism,development of the economy of the agro-industrial complex
For citation: Kot E. M., Makhankov F. V., Lylov A. S., Larin M. V. The mechanism of development of socioeconomicrelations in rural areas. Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2024; 24 (12): 1734‒1747. DOI: (In Russ.)
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