T. Yu. Serebryakova,
E. V. Zhuravlev
Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch) of the Russian University of Cooperation, Cheboksary, Russia
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Abstract. The development of the agro-industrial complex of both a separate region and the Russian Federation as a whole is currently closely linked to the introduction of innovations in both agricultural production technologies and agricultural process management. The purpose of the study is to study the state of innovative transformations in agriculture of the Chuvash Republic on the basis of the methodology developed for this purpose. Methods are hypothesis, analysis, synthesis, modeling, extrapolation, comparison. Scientific novelty. The relevance of the study lies in the importance of understanding both the direct impact of innovative solutions on the development of agriculture in the region and assessing their sufficiency – this is the basis for understanding the novelty of the study, which consists in justifying the use of author's indicators characterizing the innovative state of regional agriculture and its direct impact on indicators of the state of the economy of the agricultural sector. Results. One of the indicators of the degree of introduction and dissemination of innovations in the agro-industrial complex is the level of innovative potential of the region. The factors on which the innovation potential depends can be combined into main groups that characterize certain aspects of the introduction of the latest scientific and technical achievements in agriculture. The values of the indicators, their assessment according to the point system and the closeness of the connection with the economic data on the results of the functioning of agriculture are determined. Calculations have shown that there is a connection between the data characterizing the innovative development of the industry and its economic achievements. The study was conducted in 2019‒2023. The analysis and evaluation of the obtained indicators for agriculture of the Chuvash Republic shows insufficient investment potential with a tendency to deterioration.
Keywords: agro-industrial complex (AIC), agriculture, indicators, innovation potential, region, innovations
For citation: Serebryakova T. Yu., Zhuravlev E. V. Methodology for assessing the innovative development of regional agriculture. Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2024; 24 (12): 1748‒1762. DOI: 4868-2024-24-12-1748-1762. (In Russ.)
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