M. V. Bytov, D. Yu. Nokhrin, V. D. Zubareva, A. G. Isaeva, O. V. Sokolova
Ural Federal Agrarian Scientific Research Centre of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
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Volume 24 No. 12
Date of paper submission: 30.09.2024, date of review: 21.10.2024, date of acceptance: 13.11.2024
Published: 12/28/2024
Abstract. Inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland remain the most common problem in dairy cows, despite the development of preventive measures and treatment schemes. One of the ways to prevent the development of mastitis in dairy cows is genetic selection of the most disease-resistant animals. To identify genetic markers associated with a disease, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are carried out. The result of the studies is polymorphic loci of the genome, the contribution of which to the development of a disease is significant. However, to confirm the reliability of the association results, it is necessary to perform post-GWAS validation studies of individual loci in independent populations. The purpose of this study is to conduct a validation post-GWAS study of 5 single nucleotide polymorphisms with the risk of mastitis and to create predictive models for the development of this disease for the Tagil, Suksun and Holstein cattle breeds. Methods. Genotyping was carried out using TaqMan real-time PCR kits. Statistical processing and generation of risk models were performed using the SNPstats web tool and the MDR software package. Results. Statistical analysis showed that individual alleles of the rs109452259, rs134055603, and rs137396952 polymorphisms presumably have a protective effect on the development of mastitis in the Tagil and Suksun breeds. The observed effect was more pronounced in the Suksun breed. The absence of statistically significant associations in the analysis of individual SNPs for the Holstein breed may indicate regional genetic variability of this breed. The scientific novelty of the study consists in obtaining new information about the degree of genetic predisposition of cattle, including aboriginal endangered breeds, to mastitis according by individual polymorphisms. Increasing the number of studied polymorphisms in the intergenic region GC-NPFFR2 for post-GWAS studies will confirm the reliability of the association of this locus with the development of mastitis, identified in previous genome-wide association studies.
Keywords: mastitis, post-GWAS, cattle, Tagil breed, Suksun breed, Holstein breed, disease susceptibility, association study
Acknowledgements. The work was carried out within the framework of the RSF project No. 22-16-00021 “Study of associations of molecular genetic markers with valuable physiological traits of farm animals for the purpose of targeted selection to increase adaptive potential and longevity.” The authors express their gratitude to the chief specialist of the Department of Agriculture and Entrepreneurship of the Oktyabr’skiy Urban District of Perm Krai V. M. Absalikov, General Director of Suksunskoe LLC S. A. Pestrikov, Director of Suksunskoye LLC N. P. Suetina for assistance in conducting scientific research.
For citation: Bytov M. V., Nokhrin D. Yu., Zubareva V. D., Isaeva A. G., Sokolova O. V. Post-GWAS study of the predisposition of cows of different breeds to mastitis. Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2024; 24 (12): 1648‒1672. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32417/1997-4868-2024-24-12-1648-1672 (In Russ.)
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