Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Features of absorbed radiation doses calculation for cattle in the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk krai


A. S. Fedotova

Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia *E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article provides an adapted methodology of absorbed dose calculation for the cattle from the territories with long-term man-made contamination. The methodology was developed according to existing regulatory documents in the RF: veterinarian rules VR 13.73.13/12-00, VR 13.5.13/03-00, methodical instructions MI 13.5.13-00, regulation for the state veterinarian control system in radioactive contamination of veterinary surveillance objects in the Russian Federation. The aim of the work is the development of calculation methodology of absorbed radiation doses for the cattle on the territory with long-term man-made isotopes contamination, taking to the account the radionuclide composition of the soil. Methods. The traditional method of analysis has been used to evaluate the regulatory documents governing the calculation of absorbed radiation doses, and theoretically determined the contribution of external and internal radiation to the total absorbed annual dose. An expert analysis of literature sources has been carried out. Results. It has been established, that the calculation of external radiation dose needs to be done considering doses in stable and pasture periods. Pasture period dose is a sum of day and night doses considering day length. According to the data of radio ecological situation in Krasnoyarsk krai the internal radiation dose should be calculated as a sum of 137Cs, 90Sr, 60Co, taking to the account different concentration of these radionuclides in green and coarse fodder. Scientific novelty. The methodology of dose calculation for the cattle according to the radio ecological situation in Krasnoyarsk krai has been introduced for the first time. Practical significance. This methodology is recommended for the specialists of radiological departments of veterinarian laboratories and science officers in the field of agricultural radiobiology.

Keywords: man-made radionuclides, absorbed dose, gamma-mapping, external radiation, cattle, 137Cs, 90Sr, 60Co, internal radiation.

For citation: Fedotova A. S. Osobennosti rascheta pogloshchennykh doz oblucheniya dlya krupnogo rogatogo skota v usloviyakh Krasnoyarskogo kraya [Features of absorbed radiation doses calculation for cattle in the conditions of the Krasnoyarsk krai] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2021. No. 12 (215). Pp. 77–86. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868- 2021-215-12-77-86. (In Russian.)

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