Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Innovative developments for agriculture in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District: cooperation of universities and agricultural producers


M. N. Sordonova,

O. P. Sanzhina,

E. N. Vanchikova,

O. A. Altaeva

V. R. Filippov Buryat State Agricultural Academy, Ulan-Ude, Russia

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Abstract. For many regions of the Far East, the commercialization of scientific developments in agriculture is primarily associated with creating interest in innovative products of medium and small producers, such as Peasant Farms (PF) and Personal Subsidiary Farms (PSF), which constitute the main share of agricultural producers in the Far East. Methods of systematic and abstract analysis, synthesis, which served as a basis for application and identification of cause-and-effect relations in solving the problems of promotion of innovation development in agriculture in the region. The system of innovation promotion for medium and small producers on the example of the Buryat State Agricultural Academy is considered. The scientific novelty lies in the development of a model of involving small and medium agricultural producers in innovation activity by promoting innovation development of universities. In the article, there is a description of the project of the Buryat State Agricultural Academy on promotion and popularization of agro-innovations, which has been adopted for implementation. As a result of this project, structure responsible for commercialization of innovative products, design and prototyping of innovative agricultural products have been created in addition to the traditional research departments of the university. The proposed model is aimed at generating interest in innovations among the main producers of agricultural products in the region – private farms and household farms, which currently shun innovations due to the prevailing opinion about the high cost of production and promotion of innovative products. The article describes the mechanism of creating interaction channels for testing innovative agricultural products, informing producers about the results of testing, reducing risks for business and further promoting innovative developments of the university through the involvement of small and medium agricultural producers. It is expected that the innovative activity of owners of small and medium-sized farms and household farms, as well as the innovative performance of the university, will increase because of the proposed interaction model.

Keywords: innovative agricultural products, innovation activity, university innovations, agriculture, small and medium agricultural producers, peasant farms, private subsidiary plots, promotion of innovation.

For citation: Sordonova M. N., Vanchikova E. N., Sanzhina O. P., Altaeva O. A. Innovatsionnye razrabotki dlya sel’skogo khozyaystva v regionakh DFO: sotrudnichestvo vuzov i sel’khoztovaroproizvoditeley [Innovative developments for agriculture in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District: cooperation of universities and agricultural producers] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. Vol. 23, No. 12. Pp. 167‒176. DOI: 10.32417/1997- 4868-2023-23-12-167-176. (In Russian.)

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