Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The strategy of economic growth on the example of the export of agricultural organic products


V. A. Kundius,

O. A. Rushchitskaya,

T. I. Kruzhkova,

A. V. Ruchkin

Altai State Agrarian University; Barnaul, Russia

Ural State Agrarian University; Ekaterinburg, Russia

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Abstract. Purpose. The article deals the issues of marketing research in strategy implementation of economic growth on example of agricultural organic products export to countries of South-East Asia and China. Methods. The authors use statistical data, comparative analysis, and forecasting to verify and confirm their conclusions. The author’s development is based on the method of mathematical modeling. Results. Export outlook of domestic production and consumer behavior were examined. The conclusion was made that the possibility of improvement of a feed quality of the country’s population specifically connected with a level of its life. Scientific novelty. This kind of possibility has become more real with the transition to import substitution and the development of exportoriented agriculture. Especially it is correct for organic agricultural production. It is based on innovative alternative land use and conservation of natural (primarily land) resources, demand for agricultural organic products in countries of South-East Asia and China. Practical significance. Authors also represents the results of marketing research the attitude of consumer behavior at the agricultural organic food products in Russia. These data may be useful for marketing research customers in countries of South-East Asia and China. The results obtained will also be of interest to domestic producers focused on the production of organically pure products, since in combination with the analysis of the consumption market, changes in the values of the population, it is possible to calculate and plan the capacity of the market in the future.

Keywords: economic growth; priority directions of export; organic products; marketing; agromarketing; marketing strategy; organic products marketing; consumer demand.

For citation: Kundius V. A., Rushchitskaya O. A., Kruzhkova T. I., Ruchkin A. V. The strategy of economic growth on the example of the export of agricultural organic products // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2022. Special issue “Economy”. Pp. 42‒49. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2022-228-13-42-49.

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