Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Phenogenogeography of Pinus sylvestris L. populations in Yakutia and the Amur region


S. N. Sannikov,

I. V. Petrova,

O. E. Cherepanova

Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia

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Abstract. To preserve biological diversity, it is necessary to determine the genetic structure of species populations, because this gives the most complete picture of the manifestation of polymorphism and makes it possible to detect genetically and phenotypically distinct subspecies. The information obtained will help determine the optimal habitat and protection conditions for endangered and farmed species. The purpose of research is to conduct an allozyme analysis of 10 populations of P. sylvestris L. 2 of the physiographic countries of Yakutia and the Amur region. Results. An allozyme analysis revealed less polymorphism and the most drastic differentiation of the Amur region populations (at the level of geographic race) from Yakutia populations, subdivided from each other at the level of geographical populations. Significant differences are shown between the populations of Yakutia and Amur Region according to the distances of Mahalanobis, calculated according to 19 signs of cones. A positive linear relationship was obtained between the distances of Mahalanobis (D2 ) and the genetic distances of Ney (DN78) (R2 = 0.4159). Scientific novelty. A dominant role in the origin of the Yakut populations of P. sylvestris of three Siberian group-gradual fellings (GGF) ‒ Tynda, Romanovka, Irkutsk and a decrease in the genetic similarity of the GGF as they move away from Yakutia were found.

Keywords: Yakutia, Amur region, P. sylvestris, population, geographical differentiation, genetic distance, Mahalanobis’ distances.

For citation: Sannikov S. N., Petrova I. V., Cherepanova O. E. Fenogenogeografiya populyatsiy sosny obyknovennoy Yakutii i Priamur’ya [Phenogenogeography of Pinus sylvestris L. populations in Yakutia and the Amur region] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2022. Special issue “Biology and biotechnologies”. Pp. 44‒57. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2022-229-14-44-57. (In Russian.)

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