Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Perspective strategy of using molecular markers in breeding of Beta vulgaris L. (review)


T. P. Fedulova,

A. S. Hussein,

A. A. Nalbandyan

All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar named after A. L. Mazlumov, VNIISS, Russia

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Abstract. Aim of the investigations is to study, summarize and analyze domestic and foreign literature concerning interaction of molecular genetics and classical sugar beet breeding for improvement of resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. The problems are: 1) to analyze a current state of molecular-genetic investigations in domestic and foreign literature; 2) to study problems of marker-oriented breeding; 3) to estimate development prospects of sugar beet molecular research in Russian Federation. Methods. Analytical methods to inspect and handle information from international databases (PubMed, NCBI, and Academy Google) have been used to study modern strategy of molecular-genetic marking. Results. Use of DNA-technologies is an important part of modern breeding of agricultural crops. There have been discussed the research data permitting to get a more comprehensive idea of current state of sugar beet molecular genetics and breeding that is necessary to work out programs of their further development. There have been presented the results of foreign authors’ experiments and our own investigations on determining DNA-markers to study genetical polymorphism of sugar beet breeding material, select parent pairs for hybridization, identify genes of resistance to bolting, select breeding material with genes of resistance to biotic (Fusarium spp., nematodes, rhizomania) and abiotic stressors (salinization, drought, heavy metals). Now, widescale studies on using molecular-genetic markers in sugar beet breeding process have been carried out by Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “The A. L. Mazlumov All-Russian Research Institute of Sugar Beet and Sugar”. Use of molecular markers is one of the basic methods in plant breeding because of their general allocation throughout a genome and practical universality of application. In the article, advisability to use actual methods of sugar beet genome analysis employing DNA-markers in breeding process is considered. Scientific novelty involves estimation of the current state of Beta vulgaris L. molecular-genetic investigations in Russian Federation and abroad and their use in the crop breeding process.

Keywords: sugar beet, marker-mediated breeding, cytoplasmic male sterility, SSR-loci, the PCR-analysis, SNP, primers, hybrids.

For citation: Fedulova T. P., Hussein A. S., Nalbandyan A. A. Perspektivnaya strategiya primeneniya molekulyarnykh markerov v selektsii Beta vulgaris L. (obzor) Perspective strategy of using molecular markers in breeding of Beta vulgaris L. (review) // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. No. 02 (231). Pp. 71‒82. DOI: 10.32417/1997- 4868-2023-231-02-71-82. (In Russian.)

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