Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Comparing the Performance of dairy farming by households and self-employed people based on a project business model


O. G. Afanaseva,

V. A. Elmov,

S. P. Filippova

Chuvash State Agrarian University, Cheboksary, Russia

Chuvash State University named after I. N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia

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Abstract. The purpose. The level of marketability of milk in the households of the population of some subjects of the Volga Federal District from 2011 to 2021 increased by more than 20 p. p. The leader in this rating was the Chuvash Republic with the marketability of milk in the households of the population in 2021 at the level of 77.5 %. In connection with the high involvement of the population in the organized market for the sale of milk, the authors developed an economic and mathematical model for calculating the level of efficiency of dairy cattle breeding in the households of the population under various conditions and sizes of their management, and also adapted this model to calculate the efficiency of the farmers of the Chuvash Republic. Methods. The developed economic and mathematical model is built according to the structure of the economic model for automating the calculations of business concepts of small agribusiness, presented in an earlier work of the authors with adaptation to the activities of households. Scientific novelty. The work allows you to establish the most optimal options for dairy cattle breeding, depending on the objectives of management: optimization or expansion of production. Results. According to the results of the calculations, it was found that the most effective and stimulating for the development of management is the option of switching the agrarian to the payment of NAP and the use of state support provided for the self-employed. The larger the farm and the more investments the agrarian plans to make, the greater the return on state support will be. The amount of profitability in some cases exceeds 100 %. However, it is necessary to take into account the expediency of raising funds based on common sense, and not just in terms of mathematical calculations.

Keywords: dairy farming, economy of the population, production organization, self-employed, professional income tax, calculation model, project business model, economic and mathematical model, increasing rural incomes.

For citation: Afanaseva O. G., Elmov V. A., Filippova S. P. Sravnenie rezul’tativnosti molochnogo skotovodstva khozyaystv naseleniya i samozanyatykh na osnove postroeniya proektnoy biznes-modeli [Comparing the performance of dairy farming by households and self-employed people based on a project business model] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. No. 02 (231). Pp. 83‒97. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2023-231-02-83-97. (In Russian.)

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