I. A. Rodionova,
M. A. Bolokhonov,
O. A. Vasilyeva,
V. V. Toropova
Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University, Saratov, Russia
Abstract. In modern conditions of high sanctions pressure, systemic problems that hinder the effective development of agricultural production have worsened. Increasing the investment attractiveness of agriculture is becoming the main vector and a necessary condition for countering negative exogenous factors and ensuring sustainable agricultural growth. The subject of the study is organizational and economic relations that develop in the process of searching for ways to increase the investment attractiveness of agriculture. The purpose of the study is to evaluate and scientifically substantiate the directions of increasing the investment attractiveness of agriculture. Research objectives: 1) to clarify the essential content of the concept of “investment attractiveness of agriculture”; 2) to assess the investment attractiveness of the industry; 3) to determine the directions of growth of investment attractiveness of agriculture. The main research methods are monographic, statistical, graphical. Results. The article provides an analytical assessment of the investment attractiveness of agriculture in Russia. The individual elements (natural resource, production, innovation, financial, economic and labor) of the investment potential of agriculture are analyzed. The investment risks of the industry are justified. It is concluded that the investment attractiveness of agriculture is quite low, despite the existing potential for its growth due to the possibilities of using significant natural resource potential; a high level of adaptation of the industry to external negative factors of impact; favorable natural and climatic conditions; significant export potential of the industry. The scientific novelty. It consists in developing proposals to increase the investment attractiveness of agriculture based on the transformation of key institutional parameters: improving the regulatory framework for land reform; developing mechanisms for publicprivate partnership and project financing with a state guarantee, changing the industry structure due to the growth of the industry’s technology and the use of innovations, changing the terms of lending to agriculture.
Keywords: economy, industry, agriculture, investment, investment attractiveness, investment potential, investment risks, innovation, government regulation
For citation: Rodionova I. A., Bolokhonov M. A., Vasilyeva O. A., Toropova V. V. Assessment and directions of increasing the investment attractiveness of agriculture. Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2024; 224 (03): 430‒439. (In Russ.)
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