Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Comparative agrotechnological assessment of spring wheat cultivation in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia


L. V. Yushkevich,

D. N. Yushchenko,

А. G. Shchitov,

S. P. Kashinskaya

Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center, Omsk, Russia

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Abstract. Long-term (more than 20 years) studies were carried out on meadow – chernozem soil in the southern forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. In a stationary grain-steam crop rotation (steam-wheat-wheat-wheat-barley), a comparative assessment of fertility, the state of agrophytocenosis, yield and quality of spring wheat grain, depending on the placement of the crop in the crop rotation, the tillage system, and complex chemicalization was carried out. The purpose of the research is to establish the influence and effectiveness of multi-level agricultural technologies of spring wheat on the elements of soil fertility, the state of agrophytocenosis, productivity and technological properties of grain in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia. Research methods. Stationary studies were carried out in the southern forest-steppe soil-climatic zone of the Omsk region in 2001–2021. In grain-fallow crop rotation (fallow – wheat – wheat – wheat – barley). Two-factor experience: factor A – tillage system (dump-plowing on the head of 20–22 cm, annually; combined-plowing in the fallow field and under the third wheat after steam for 20–22 cm and flat-cut on the head of 10–12 for the second wheat after steam barley; flat-cut on the head of 10–12 cm for all crops annually; minimal – in the fallow field cultivation on the 8–10 cm. in other fields without autumn treatment); factor B – means of intensification (control – without chemicals, the option of complex application of chemicals included the combined use of fertilizers, recommended herbicides, fungicides and retardants). Results. It was found that intensive agrotechnology with the use of fertilizers and plant protection products makes the main contribution to increasing the yield and technological parameters of grain – 30–35 %, precursors – up to 20–25 %, weather conditions of the growing season – 18–20 %, the system of tillage in crop rotation – 10–12 %. The complex application of chemicals contributes to an increase in crop biomass to 2080 g/m2 (by 49 %), reduces water consumption to 73 mm per 1 t of grain (2.7 times), optimizes the nutrient regime of the soil and the phytosanitary state of agrophytocenosis, which ultimately increases yields from 1.51 to 3.27 t/ha while improving the technological properties of grain gluten content up to 26.4–29.4 %. Long-term rational use of chemicals does not lead to the accumulation of ecotoxicants in soil and grain. The scientific novelty was revealed for the conditions of Western Siberia with the long-term rational use of chemicals, the accumulation of ecotoxicants in the soil and grain was not observed.

Keywords: spring wheat, field crop rotation, precursor, agrotechnology, yield, grain quality

For citation: Yushkevich L. V., Yushchenko D. N., Shchitov A. G., Kashinskaya S. P. Comparative agrotechnological assessment of spring wheat cultivation in the southern forest-steppe of Western Siberia. Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2024; 24 (03): 348‒357. (In Russ.)

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