Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Ecological features of transitional soils landscape zones of Western Siberia


L. A. Senkova, L. V. Grinets

International Business Academy, Moscow, Russia

Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

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Abstract. The basis of an information resource that answers all scientific and practical requests is the knowledge of nature-forming factors, ecosystems with their distribution patterns and ecological functions. The phenomena of landscape cover zoning are of theoretical and applied interest in connection with the development of modern farm- ing and irrigation systems. The purpose of the research is to assess the soils of the transitional landscape zones of Western Siberia. Research methods. A complex of field and laboratory research methods was used. The objects of study are the soils of the Karasuk plain. Results. The problem of natural and anthropogenic extremeness of ecological conditions in Western Siberia is considered. Transitional landscapes on the border of natural zones are characterized by climate instability, variegated soil and vegetation cover. A unique diversity in combinations and complexes of soil cover and biogeocenoses is shown, which must be reflected in the development of ecological and geological certification of natural systems. The features of the soil cover with pulsating moisture and bioindication of its ecological situation have been studied. Fertile soils that can be used in irrigated agriculture are represented by southern black soils the reclamation characteristics of which show that they should be irrigated with norms that exclude unproductive losses of irrigation water due to filtration. When irrigating them, the specific properties of intrazonal soils should be taken into account. The peculiarities of the properties of the studied soils of the transitional landscape zones determine the dynamics of the dispersal of shell mites in them, as an indicator of the ecological situation of the soil cover. Scientific novelty. An assessment of the natural and anthropogenic extremality of the ecological conditions of Western Siberia as an information resource for rational nature management in conditions of climate change is given. The instability of climatic indicators with poor drainage of the territory and limiting moisture is determined by modern environmental conditions.

Keywords: landscape areas, environmental management, soil, chernozem, irrigation, bioindication, biogeocenosis, microarthropods.

For citation: Senkova L. A., Grinets L. V. Ecological features of transitional soils landscape zones of Western Siberia // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2022. No. 03 (218). Pp. 24–34. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2022-218-03- 24-34.

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