Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Strategic development of agriculture in the region: program-target method


O. G. Loretts,

E. M. Kot,

A. V. Ruchkin

Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

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Abstract. The purpose of the article is to develop a modular universal program for the development of agriculture in the region, taking into account global trends in the development of agriculture, demographic processes, achievements in the field of science, the need to provide food to the population. The authors analyzed the global situation of the development of the agro-industrial complex and agriculture, took into account the peculiarities of production and subsequent export of agricultural products in a particular region. Methods. The program-target method was chosen as the main one, which was later disclosed from the standpoint of measures and performance indicators that can be used to guide the formation of the program. The authors relied on the research of foreign and domestic scientists, world centers for research on agriculture and nutrition, statistical data, reviews and analytical reports of authorities and universities. The scientific novelty lies not only in the justification of specific methods of implementing state policy in the field of agriculture, but also takes into account import substitution programs, the development of robotics, the need for a clear definition of quantitative performance indicators. The proposed program has been developed taking into account the binding to specific territories and implementation tools, that is, the fact of the need for zoning has been taken into account. Results. A universal modular program is presented, which can be used in the practice of strategic planning of the region, taking into account the specifics of the development of the agro-industrial complex, existing infrastructure and investment projects. The industrial region (Sverdlovsk region) was chosen as the research site for the article. The authors limit themselves to pointing out measures and performance indicators, without touching on financial issues due to market instability. Also, the issue of developing mechanisms for subsidizing and co-financing was not considered, since they are already, as a rule, established in the practice of the regions and fixed at the level of legislation.

Keywords: program, strategic development, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, robotics, efficiency.

For citation: Loretts O. G., Kot E. M., Ruchkin A. V. Strategicheskoye razvitiye sel’skogo khozyaystva v regione: programmno-tselevoy metod [Strategic development of agriculture in the region: program-target method] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. No. 03 (232). Pp. 93‒102. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2023-232-03-93-102. (In Russian.)

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