Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Application of the growth regulator “Edagum SM” on winter wheat crops in the Republic of North Ossetia – Alaniа


A. A. Tedeeva, V. V. Tedeeva*

North Caucasian Research Institute of Mining and Foothill Economy – branch of the Federal Center “Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences”, Mikhaylovskoe, Russia

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Abstract. The authors present the results of the use of a growth regulator on winter wheat crops in the conditions of the steppe zone of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania. The purpose of the work is to study the influence of the growth regulator “Edagum SM” on the growth, development, productivity and quality of grain of promising winter wheat varieties, taking into account ecological and economic efficiency and improving on this basis the resource-saving technology of culture cultivation in the conditions of the steppe zone of the Russian Federation. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the features of the growth and development of promising winter wheat varieties have been studied depending on the doses of the growth regulator “Edagum SM” and their effect on the photosynthetic activity of plants has been shown. Optimal seeding rates of promising varieties have been estab- lished, ensuring high crop productivity and improving the quality indicators of the products obtained. The object of research were high-yielding varieties of winter wheat – Gomer and Bagrat, selected by the P. P. Lukyanenko National Research Center. Methods. Records and observations were carried out according to generally accepted methods described in the educational and methodological manual for conducting research in agronomy. Results. As a result of the use of a growth regulator, for Gomer and Bagrat varieties, the best option is “Edagum SM” (450 ml/ha), and the optimal seeding rate is 5 mln/ha (Gomer variety) and 4 mln/ha (Bagrat variety). The greatest in- crease in photosynthetic power was observed during the period of exit into the tube-earing. The net photosynthesis productivity of winter wheat increased from the tillering phase to the exit phase into the tube and the maximum indicators reached during earing-milk ripeness. The crop yield, depending on the dose of the growth regulator, increased by 0.13–0.22 t/ha (Gomer variety, seeding rate 3 mln/ha). The grain nature index, depending on the studied variants, varied between 691–722 g/l (Gomer variety) and 689–720 g/l (Bagrat variety). The protein content varied in the range of 10.1–13.2 % a. s. v., and gluten – 24–26 %. Profitability ranged from 22–47 %.

Keywords: winter wheat, variety, seeding rates, growth regulator, photosynthetic activity, grain quality, technology element, economic efficiency, productivity.

For citation: Tedeeva A. A., Tedeeva V. V. Primenenie regulyatora rosta “Edagum SM” na posevakh ozimoy pshenitsy v RSO-Alaniya [Application of the growth regulator “Edagum SM” on winter wheat crops in the Republic of North Ossetia – Alaniа] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2022. No. 04 (219). Pp. 26–36. DOI: 10.32417/1997- 4868-2022-219-04-26-36. (In Russian.)

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