Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Analysis of oats varieties of Omsk selection for the collection of protein per unit area

Authors: O. A. Yusova, , P. N. Nikolaev, I. V. Safonova, N. I. Aniskov

Omsk Agrarian Scientific Center, Omsk, Russia

All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources named after N. I. Vavilov, Saint Petersburg, Russia

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Abstract. This article presents the results of a long-term study of a set of oat varieties in the southern forest-steppe zone of the Omsk region. The estimation of parameters of ecological adaptability for protein collection per unit area is given. Purpose. Long-term study of a set of oats varieties in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe zone of the Omsk region according to environmental adaptability parameters calculated on the basis of “protein collection per hectare”. Methods. The research was conducted from 2013 to 2017 in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of Omsk. A detailed analysis of the adaptability parameters is provided: the indicator “protein collection per hectare” according to Zykin, ecological plasticity index accord- ing to Eberhart and Rassel, stability factor according to Lewis, homeostaticity and selection the value of varieties according to Khangildin, relative stability and stability criterion according to Sobolev, intensity according to the method of Udachin. The final adaptability of varieties is estimated by the sum of the ranks obtained by each variety for the studied parameters. Results. The results of the research have shown that they are most adaptive in the southern forest-steppe zone Omsk region filmy varieties Orion, Uranus and Sibirskiy Gerkules (total ranks 34–44) and Sibirskiy golozernyy (total ranks 61). Scientific novelty lies in the study of 13 varieties of membranous and hulless groups of oats, recommended for cultivation in the Omsk region. The collection of protein per hectare is an integral parameter that takes into account two indicators: the actual yield of the variety and the content of crude protein in the grain. Therefore, studies on this indicator are not popular. For the first time, thanks to the adaptive characteristics, varieties are divided according to this characteristic into intensive and extensive. The grouping of varieties depending on the cultivation areas is also given.

Keywords: oats, variety, protein collection, adaptability, intensity, extensiveness, range of cultivation, rank.

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For citation: Yusova O. A., Nikolaev P. N., Safonova I. V., Aniskov N. I. Analiz sortov ovsa omskoy selektsii po sboru belka s edinitsy ploshchadi [Analysis of oats varieties of Omsk selection for the collection of protein per unit area] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2020. No. 06 (197). Pp. 38‒48. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2020-197-6-38-48. (In Russian.)


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