Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


№ 06 (209) 2021

The contents and annotations №№
the article

 G. K. Bulakhtina, Yu. N. Podoprigorov, A. A. Khyupinin

Results of researching different methods of creating fodder areas in arid region of Northern Caspian


 M. V. Rublyuk, D. A. Ivanov, O. V. Karaseva

Influence of multipurpose compost on agrochemical indicators of sod-podzolic soil and crop productivity in reclaimed agricultural landscapes


 O. R. Udalova, G. V. Mirskaya, P. Yu. Kononchuk, G. G. Panova

About the influence of solutions of fulvic acids from sapropel on lettuce plants in various types of its processin


 A. L. Aminova, I. F. Yumaguzin, N. R. Subkhankulov, T. A. Sedykh

Efficacy of a herbal drug in treating bovine mastitis


 M. G. Markova, E. N. Somova

Regeneration capacity of Cerasus fruticosa and Prunus domestica into the in vitro culture


 A. N. Nakidkina, T. I. Kuzmina

Evaluation of viability indicators of bovine spermatozoa after exposure to silicon dimethylglycerolate using flow cytofluorimetry


 L. A. Pashkova

Technological methods of increasing the meat productivity of sheep in late lambing periods


 O. S. Chechenikhina, O. A. Bykova, O. G. Loretts, A. V. Stepanov

The age of retirement of cows from the herd, depending on genetic and paratypical factors


 D. R. Krichker, O. A. Ruschitskaya

Promising export directions of organic products of the agro-industrial complex of the Ural region


 L. V. Kuznetsova, V. N. Mazurov

Technological maps of adaptive technologies of cultivation of food potato (on the example of the Kaluga region)



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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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