Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


The influence of climate change on crop


S. I. Smurov,

O. V. Grigorov,

S. N. Ermolaev

Belgorod State Agrarian University, Belgorod, Russia

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Abstract. The aim of the research is to study the influence of the changed climatic conditions of the Belgorod region on the reserves of productive moisture in the soil and the yield of field crops using various methods of basic tillage. Research methods. Based on our own long-term research, the analysis of the effect of the increase in air temperature and the decrease in precipitation per year on soil moisture reserves and crop yields under various methods of basic tillage is made. Scientific novelty. An overview of the changes in the climatic conditions of growing field crops in the Belgorod region that have occurred in recent decades is given. Results. Agrometeorological observations have shown that in the period from 2006 to 2021, the air temperature in the surface layer increased, and the amount of precipitation decreased. Cases of extreme weather manifestations have become more frequent. Observations of the dynamics of moisture in a meter layer of soil in a stationary experiment determined that the climate changes that have occurred have affected its reserves. So at the time of sowing crops, there was a decrease in the amount of moisture in the soil by 15 % of the average over the years, and when the crops were fully ripe, it decreased by 35‒43 %, without significant connection with the methods of basic tillage. The influence of extreme weather manifestations during the period of crop formation on crop yields is noted. According to the results of the research, it was concluded that there is a steady trend of decreasing moisture reserves in the meter layer of the soil, both at the time of sowing and during harvesting, regardless of the method of its main processing. There is no direct connection between the yield of field crops and the reserves of moisture available to plants at the time of their sowing and harvesting in the meter layer of soil and the method of its main processing.

Keywords: climate, average annual air temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, methods of basic tillage, field crops, yield.

For citation: Smurov S. I., Grigorov O. V., Ermolaev S. N. Vliyanie izmeneniy klimata na urozhaynost’ kul’tur i zapasy pochvennoy vlagi [The influence of climate change on crop yields and soil moisture reserves] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. No. 05 (234). Pp. 35‒52. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2023-235-06-35-52. (In Russian.)

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