Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Differentiation of the transformation stages in agriculture


L. B. Vinnichek,

N. L. Smelik

Saint Petersburg State Agrarian University, Saint Petersburg – Pushkin, Russia

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Abstract. The aim is the study of the parameters of the influence of the structure of investments in fixed assets of agriculture of the Russian Federation by sources of financing as an external factor in the development of the industry. Methods. Based on Rosstat data, time series of indicators of agriculture in Russia for 1995–2021 have been compiled and chain growth rates have been calculated. The periodization of long dynamic series of investments in fixed assets of agriculture in Russia based on the predominance of own and attracted funds of organizations (1995–2005 – the predominance of own funds, 2006–2013 – predominance of attracted funds, 2014–2021 – predominance of own funds). Within each stage, average growth rates are calculated and analyzed; transformation parameters are determined. Results. Based on the chain dynamics of indicators of agriculture in Russia, on the basis of scientifically based approaches and expert assessments, the criteria and parameters of transformation in agriculture have been identified. The criterion of transformation in agriculture is the change of the predominant share of own or borrowed funds in the financial structure of capital investments. Three stages of transformation are highlighted. At the stage of the predominance of attracted funds, the average rate increased for the sown areas of grain and leguminous crops, the gross harvest of sugar beet, sunflower seeds, potatoes, as well as the number of pigs, sheep and goats, the production of livestock and poultry for slaughter (in slaughter weight), eggs and wool. The efficiency of transformation is estimated by the average rate of yield of grain and leguminous crops, sugar beet, sunflower seeds and potatoes. The elasticity coefficient for a number of indicators can also be used as a transformation parameter. The scientific novelty lies in a new methodological approach for the periodization of the transformation of investments in agriculture based on the proposed criterion for identifying parameters.

Keywords: agriculture, transformation, financial structure of investments, criterion, stages, parameters, average growth rate, effects.

For citation: Vinnichek L. B., Smelik N. L. Differentsiatsiya etapov transformatsii v sel’skom khozyaystve [Differentiation of the transformation stages in agriculture] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. No. 06 (235). Pp. 98‒110. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2023-235-06-98-110. (In Russian.)

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