Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


№ 7 (198) 2020



The contents and annotations №№
the article


V. G. Grebennikov, I. A. Shipilov, O. V. Khonina

Photosynthetic activity and agro-energy efficiency of growing perennial grasses under different modes of use of the grass stand


G. Yu. Rabinovich, D. V. Tikhomirova, V. N. Lapushkina

Factors that ensured the formation of potato yields when cultivated on ridges


 E. M. Chebotok

Influence of unstable weather conditions on the passage time of phenological phases of black currant in the Middle Urals



O. P. Gavrilova, A. S. Orina, N. N. Gogina, T. Yu. Gagkaeva

The problem of Fusarium head blight in the Trans-Urals region: the history and current situation


 M. O. Gutova, Kh. Flefel, M. S. Andryushechkina

Assessment of the ecological well-being of the rivers of the Middle Urals in areas with increased technogenic load


V. A. Kuznetsova, A. A. Blinova, O. N. Tarasova, L. E. Ivachenko

Activity of oxidoreductase of seeds and soybean seedlings under conditions of fungal infection Septoria glycines Hemmi


L. N. Kuzmina, A. P. Kartashova

The quality of fiber and the effectiveness of use in rations of Holstein-Kholmogor cows


A. A. Muminov, O. D. Nazarova

Threats of anthrax burials on the environmental safety of Tajikistan and their prevention measures



A. S. Dorokhov, N. O. Chilingaryan

Status and development prospects of the feed industry in the Russian Federation


A. G. Mokronosov, E. S. Ogorodnikova, A. E. Plakhin

Development of competition in the market of social services of rural settlements of Sverdlovsk region in the methodology of regional standard



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Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ural State Agrarian University"

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