Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Features of the water regime of aboriginal and introduced species of the genus Iris L. in the Southern Ural


L. F. Beksheneva,

A. А. Reut

South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ufa, Russia *E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The article presents the results of an experimental assessment of the peculiarities of the water regime of 9 species of the genus Iris L. growing in the South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute UFRC RAS (I. sibirica L., I. pseudacorus L. ‒ species of native flora, I. aphylla L., I. biglumis Vahl., I. lacteal Pall., I. orientalis Mill., I. ruthenica Ker-Gawl., I. setosa Pall., I. spuria L. ‒ introduced species). The purpose is a comparative evaluation of the main parameters of the water regime within the generic complex and depending on the detection of meteorological factors in different phenological periods. Methods. Studies were performed in growing periods 2019–2020’s physiological using conventional techniques (artificial saturation method and wilting). Made a detailed analysis of daily and seasonal dynamics of the water regime of the three parameters: the total water content, water-holding capacity, water scarcity. Typical forest species Convallaria majalis L. was investigated for a comparative analysis of water regime indicators. Results. The similarities and differences in the peculiarities of the water regime were established between the studied species, the dependence of the indicators on meteorological conditions was revealed. According to the type of water regime cultivars were divided into four groups: a flexible water-quiet mode ‒ I. pseudacorus, flexible water-tight mode ‒ I. sibirica, I. ruthenica, stably-calm water mode ‒ I. aphylla, I. biglumis, I. setosa, stablytight water mode ‒ I. spuria, I. lactea, I. orientalis. Among the studied parameters of water scarcity was the most dependent on meteorological factors. Scientific novelty. The study helps to identify ecological and physiological adaptations of exotic species in comparison with the native species that could become the basis for assessing the prospects of growing in the culture and conservation of rare and endangered species.

Keywords: Iris, water regime, hydration, water retention capacity, water shortage, introduction, Southern Ural.

For citation: Beksheneva L. F., Reut A. A. Osobennosti vodnogo rezhima aborigennykh i introdutsirovannykh vidov roda Iris L. na Yuzhnom Urale [Features of the water regime of aboriginal and introduced species of the genus Iris L. in the Southern Ural] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2021. No. 07 (210). Pp. 2–15. DOI: 10.32417/1997- 4868-2021-210-07-2-15. (In Russian.)

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