Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Analysis of the prevalence of obstetric and gynecological diseases in a large goat breeding enterprise


A. S. Barkova,

A. Yu. Aliev,

E. S. Eroshenko,

I. A. Sychev

Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, Russia

Caspian Zonal Research Veterinary Institute, Makhachkala, Russia 3 Veterinary clinic “Neovit”, Ekaterinburg, Russia *E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. The purpose is to analyze the prevalence of obstetric and gynecological pathologies in a large dairy goat enterprise. Method. Analysis of data from veterinary registers of the enterprise, as well as histological examination of fetal membranes and determination of the biophysical profile of newborn goats were carried out. Results. The results obtained showed different distribution of obstetric and gynecological diseases among the Alpine goats in the conditions of a large industrial enterprise during the year. The results obtained showed that the general level of obstetric-gynecological diseases of goats by months of the year made up from 2.7 % to 100 % of the number of calves taken place with the most favourable conditions for obstetric-gynecological pathologies being June, July and September – 7.8 %, 4.1 % and 2.7 % respectively. A significant increase in the proportion of stillborn goats from their total number to 26.8 % and 26.3 % was observed in August and November, respectively. In winter and late autumn, there is a marked increase in retention of placenta, up to 8–10 %. In late spring and summer there is a seasonal decrease. The average number of goats in calving at this farm is 1.8 ± 0.43 goats with fluctuations by months of the year from 1.4 in January to 2.9 in August. The conducted histological and fetal membrane studies and determination of the biophysical profile of goats' calves showed a wide spread of fetoplacental insufficiency and changes in the placenta structure in the Alpine breed goats in the conditions of a large enterprise. Scientific novelty. The analysis of spread of obstetric-gynecological diseases of the Alpine breed goats in the conditions of the big enterprise has been carried out; the wide spread of fet-placental insufficiency among the uterine population has been confirmed by histological studies and the estimation of the biophysical profile of newborn baby goats.

Keywords: alpine goats, obstetric and gynecological diseases, fetoplacental insufficiency, newborns.

For citation: Barkova A. S., Aliev A. Yu., Eroshenko E. S., Sychev I. A. Analiz rasprostraneniya akushersko-ginekologicheskikh zabolevaniy na krupnom kozovodcheskom predpriyatii [Analysis of the prevalence of obstetric and gynecological diseases in a large goat breeding enterprise] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2021. No. 07 (210). Pp. 47–54. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2021-210-07-47-54. (In Russian.)

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