M. A. Tikhonova
Orenburg branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution of the Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Orenburg, Russia
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Abstract. The purpose. To identify promising white-berry table grape varieties according to biotic and abiotic environmental factors, productivity and yield in the conditions of the Southern Urals for use in breeding and industrial production. Methods. The article presents the results of a study of economically valuable traits of 8 table white-berry grape varieties carried out according to the methods of M. A. Lazarevskiy and A. M. Negrul. Planting scheme 1.5 × 3 m, accounting plants 9 pcs. for each variety. The culture is covering, the formation of bushes is fan-shaped, stemless. Agricultural technology is generally accepted for irrigated vineyards, taking into account the weather conditions of the region. Statistical data processing was carried out by the dispersion method according to B. A. Dospekhov. Scientific novelty. The expediency and prospects of growing a number of white-berry table grape varieties of early and very early ripening in the conditions of the Southern Urals have been established. The grape variety Lora (Flora) is singled out as the most adapted, productive and productive, which is of value for use in breeding work and industrial production. According to the results of a study conducted in 2020–2022. it has been established that grape varieties of very early and early ripening period are suitable for the conditions of the Southern Urals, in which 110–130 days pass from blooming to full ripeness of berries. Over the years of research, the general condition of the studied plants was high – 4.5–5.0 points in the varieties Avgustin, Arkadiya, Beloe Сhudo, Vostorg, Lora (Flora), Svetlana, the bushes remained healthy, the shoots were full, their safety was 90–100 %. Comparison of the productivity of the studied table white-berry grape varieties made it possible to identify a high-quality promising variety Lora (Flora), the average weight of a bunch is 317.0 g with a berry weight of 6.3 g, the productivity was 3.8 kg per bush. Yields per hectare higher than the control variety by 61.1 % were similarly obtained in the Lora (Flora) variety, this grape variety is of value for use in breeding work and industrial production.
Keywords: grape varieties, ripening period, average weight of berries, bush productivity, shoot, safety, adaptability.
For citation: Tikhonova M. A. Perspektivnye beloyagodnye stolovye sorta vinograda (Vitis L.) v usloviyakh Yuzhnogo Urala [Promising white table grape varieties (Vitis L.) in the conditions of the Southern Urals] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. No. 07 (236). Pp. 105‒114. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2023-236-07-105-114. (In Russian.)
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