M. N. Drozd,
V. M. Usevich
Ural State Agrarian University, Ekaterinburg, Russia
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Abstract. Modern conditions for the development of poultry farming increase the impact of technological stress on the poultry body, which contributes to the development of immunodeficiency conditions in them. Against the background of immunodeficiency, diseases of various etiologies develop, which reduces the efficiency of the industry. To offset the negative result of technological and other types of stress, the search for effective means of domestic production is carried out, which is especially important in the conditions of priority use of alternative import-substituting means. The search for effective means that meet all the requirements of prevention remains to this day an urgent issue of practical veterinary medicine. Feed additives with a wide spectrum of action act as such agents. Often such feed additives act as adaptogens. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of feed additives prepared on the basis of peat sapropel concentrate mixed with known mineral and probiotic components. The objectives of the study were: to evaluate the effectiveness of disease prevention; causes of morbidity and mortality; livestock safety and improving the quality of fattening. Methods. To assess the effectiveness of the tested domestic feed additives, clinical, pathomorphological, histological studies were carried out in accordance with the zoohygenic conditions of poultry keeping and statistical methods for evaluating the results obtained. As a result of the conducted studies on the preventive feeding of feed additives based on peat sapropel concentrate of domestic production, their immuno- and organoprotective effect was revealed. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a comparative assessment of various feed additives based on peat-sapropel concentrate for the prevention of stress, various diseases, livestock safety and live weight gain of broilers at macro- and microscopic levels was carried out.
Keywords: stress, immunodeficiency, prevention, adaptogens, histology, feed additives.
For citation: Drozd M. N., Usevich V. M. Sravnitel’naya otsenka effektivnosti kormovykh dobavok na osnove torfosapropelevogo kontsentrata pri vyrashchivanii broylerov [Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of feed additives based on peat sapropel concentrate in the cultivation of broilers] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2023. No. 07 (236). Pp. 83‒92. DOI: 10.32417/1997-4868-2023-236-07-83-92. (In Russian.)
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