Authors: V. A. Afanasiev, A. N. Ostrikov, A. A. Shevtsov, A. V. Terekhina, A. I. Aleksandrov
Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies, Voronezh, Russia Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract. Тhe degree of gelatinization of barley starch was investigated depending on the size of the gap between the rollers. To this end, barley samples treated with steam at atmospheric pressure for 10 minutes. passed through a flatting machine, changing the size of the gap between the rollers. Studies have been conducted to identify the effect of the degree of gelatinization of starch on its digestibility. The results of the experiments show that with a decrease in the size of the gap between the rollers, the degree of gelatinization increases. It has been established that for steamed barley under the same conditions, it is possible to obtain different degrees of gelatinization of starch depending on the size of the gap between the rollers of the flattening machine, that is, on the thickness of the flakes. It is revealed that it is advisable to moisten the grain with water at a temperature of 40–60 °C for 1–2 minutes to a moisture content of 15–19 %. Duration of peeling should be for wheat, flaked barley and oats, whole grains of barley and oats – 2–4 hours; corn and peas ‒ 4–6 hours. It was established that during the processing of grain with steam for 5 minutes, the degree of protein denaturation is 28 %, 10 minutes – 47.2 %, 60 minutes – 87.7 %. The obtained data were used to develop the technology of flocked grains for starter and prestarter feed for young farm animals. An integrated technology for the production of starter and pre-starter feed based on pre-prepared grain with a capacity of 2 t/h, based on flocking of grain, i.e. flattening with a longer steaming of the feed (12–14 minutes) at elevated temperature (up to 95 °C), allowing to increase the digestibility of the feed to 85–88 %. This technology will improve the availability of starch as a result of breaking starch grains and their gelatinization, improve taste, palatability and digestibility of the feed.
Keywords: technology, biogas, purification, animal feed, flocking, flattening, steaming, drying, efficiency.
For citation: Afanasiev V. A., Ostrikov A. N., Shevtsov A. A., Terekhina A. V., Aleksandrov A. I. Innovatsionnaya tekhnologiya proizvodstva flokirovannykh zeren dlya starternykh i prestarternykh kombikormov s ispol’zovaniyem ochishchennogo biogaza [Innovative technology of production of floked grains for starter and prestarter food with the use of purified biogas] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2019. No. 8 (187). Pp. 16–27. DOI: 10.32417/article_5d908b85a90539.28406450. (In Russian.)