Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals

The journal has been published since 2000

ISSN 1997 - 4868 (Print); ISSN 2307-0005 (Online)


Pressure of the genetic productivity potential of the female ancestors of sires on milk production of their daughters

Authors: V. F. Gridin, S. L. Gridina, K. V. Novitskaya

Ural Agricultural Research Institute – Branch of Ural Federal Agricultural Research center of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Ekaterinburg, Russia E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Breeding work with cattle largely depends on the use of valuable bulls with high productivity of female ancestors. The livestock of cattle in the Russian Federation makes 8136 thousand heads, including 3282 thousand cows, and milk yield – 6094 kg. In Sverdlovsk region the livestock of cows makes 80.5 thousand heads with milk yield of 7484 kg of milk. For insemination of this livestock of cows the valuable seed of bulls which selection for selection work is carried out taking into account productivity of female ancestors is used. It is established that for 10 years the productivity of mothers of bulls increased by 1833 kg of milk, but there was a decrease in milk fat content. In the region there are 46 breeding organizations – 12 breeding plants and 34 breeding reproducers. Productivity of cows in these organizations is an average of 8345 kg of milk, on all farms of the region 7484 kg of milk. The productivity of daughters of bulls used for insemination for 10 years increased by 2336 kg of milk, which is associated with the use of highly productive bulls. High productivity of cattle in the region is also provided by the mass milking of cows. In the breeding organizations of the region from individual animals obtained record productivity at the level of world standards. So, from cow Snegurka No. 5242, which belongs to the agricultural company „Patrushi“ obtained milk yield in 17120 kg of milk with the yield of nutrients (fat + protein) 1223 kg. the Absolute record holder is a cow Matiola No. 24064, from which over 7 lactations received more than 100 tonnes of milk.

Keywords: bull-producer, productivity, female ancestors, cow, milk, fat, protein.

For citation: Gridin V. F., Gridina S. L., Novitskaya K. V. Davleniye (pressing) geneticheskogo potentsiala produktivnosti materinskikh predkov bykov-proizvoditeley na molochnuyu produktivnost’ docherey [Pressure of the genetic productivity potential of the female ancestors of sires on milk production of their daughters] // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2019. No. 8 (187). Pp. 34–38. DOI: 10.32417/article_5d908b85ca8d41.94776982. (In Russian.)

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