Authors: M. Yu. KARPUKHIN, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, A. V. ABRAMCHUK, candidate of biological sciences, аssociate рrofessor, S. K. MINGALEV, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, S. E. SAPARKLYCHEVA, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknekhta Str., 6220075, Ekaterinburg)
Keywords: oregano, drug treatment “Humate + 7 microelements”, seed productivity, germination energy, laboratory ger- mination.
Abstract: The experiment on the topic: “Seed productivity of Origanum vulgaris (Origanum vulgare L.) in terms of culture” was laid in 2017 in the educational and experimental farm “Uralets” in the collection section of medicinal plants UrSAU. The purpose of the study is to study the effect of the drug “Humate + 7 microelements” on seed productivity and sowing qualities of oregano seeds. In the scheme of experience included 4 options: 1 – control – 5 l H2 O; 2 – Humate – 1.0 g / 5 l H2O; 3 – Humate – 1.5 g / 5 l H2O; 4 – Humate – 2.0 g / 5 l H2O. Watering of plants was carried out 3 times during the growing season (with an interval of 12 days): 1 watering – the phase of planting; 2 – the beginning of budding; 3 watering – the beginning of flower- ing. Irrigation rate – 5 l H2O per 1 m2. To determine the sowing qualities, seed germination was performed under laboratory conditions in Petri dishes in 2 versions: 1 – in the light; 2 – in the dark (without access of light); temperature constant + 25 °C. The study showed that the sowing qualities of oregano seeds are closely related to the treatment of the herbage with “Hu- mate + 7 microelements”. It has been established that as the dose of the drug increases, the weight of 1000 seeds increases, the energy and intensity of germination, laboratory germination. In all cases where the treatment of the grass with the preparation was carried out, the seed productivity was formed significantly higher than in the control variant, the deviation from the control significantly exceeds the value of HCP05.