Authors: O. G. PETROVA, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor, M. I. BARASHKIN, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor, A. D. ALEKSEEV, candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor, I. M. MILLSTEIN, candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor, Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknekhta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)
Keywords: cattle, infectious rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea-mucous disease, parainfluenza type 3, respiratory syncytial infection, pasteurellosis, colibacteriosis, salmonellosis, Sverdlovsk region, epizootic process, spectrum of pathogens.
Abstract: Acute respiratory viral infections of cattle negatively affect the full growth and formation of the body of the calf, contribute to the induction of second infection, manifested in violation of the physiological stages of the formation of morphological and functional organization of the immune system. According to the data of the information and analytical center of the
Federal service for veterinary and phytosanitary surveillance of Russia in the period from 2008 to 2018 the incidence of acute respiratory diseases was a significant proportion of the total incidence of cattle In recent years, infectious rhinotracheitis of cattle in agricultural enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region tend to flow in a latent form. The virus of infectious rhinotracheitis of cattle is in the body of these animals in a latent state, which is manifested by the absence of visible signs of the disease for a long time, low levels of virus-neutralizing antibodies, the difficulty of isolating the pathogen. However, in periods of recur- rence of the disease, the pathogen is released into the external environment, without losing virulence for other animals. With
this in mind, these animals are a source of formation of the zone of increased risk of mainly infectious rhinotracheitis, viral diarrhea – mucosal disease. Intensive indicators of the epizootic process in infectious rhinotracheitis of cattle do not have a pronounced constancy. Patterns in the frequency of reactivation of the virus is not observed, since the virus DNA is not detected in all samples of biomaterial obtained over a certain period of time. There was a constant excess of prevalence over the incidence (1.9–3.8 times), which confirms the constant presence of the source of the causative agent. In the annual dynamics installed virus and 9–12 % and 20–30 %, and epizootic allowance of 4.9–6.1 %.