Authors: E. V. SHATSKIKH, doctor of biological sciences, professor, head of the department of animal feeding, expertise of feed and food products, D. M. GALIEV, assistant of the department of animal feeding, expertise of Feed and Food Products expertise of feed and food products, Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknekhta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)
Keywords: broiler chickens, feed antibiotics, replacement of antibiotics, development of internal organs, anatomical cut- ting, feed additives, productivity, mannanoligosaccharides, liver, intestines.
Abstract: Currently around the world, including in Russia, an intensive search for alternative replacement of feed antibiotics in ani- mal husbandry. One of the real alternative ways are feed additives with sorption properties, for example, preparations based on yeast cell walls. The article discusses the effect of replacing feed antibiotics in the compound feed and feed supplements “SafMannan” and “Immunosan”, which represent carbohydrate complexes in yeast cell walls, on productive indicators and the development of the internal organs of broiler chickens. It was established that in the experimental groups, which received “SafMannan” (1 experimental group) and “Immunosan” (2 experimental group) supplements, the absolute increase in live weight over the growing period was 1.3 % and 0.07 higher than the control in male broilers, in chickens by 3.5 and 0.1 %. The highest safety was in males of the control group, reaching 97.5 %; in 1 and 2 experimental groups, this indicator was 1.2 % lower than the control. Among the chickens, the highest preservation differed in bird 2 of the experimental group (97.5 %), in the control and 1 experimental group the safety of the livestock was the same – 96.3 %. During all the analyzed periods (22 and 38 days) in chickens from the experimental groups, an increase in liver mass and intestinal length was observed within the physiological norm, which may indicate the best detoxification capabilities of broilers and activation of the intestinal absorption function.