Authors: B. A. VORONIN, doctor of law, professor, director of the research Institute of agrarian and environmental problems and agricultural management, O. G. LORETTS, doctor of biological sciences, professor, rector, Ya. V. VORONINA, senior lecturer of the department of management and law, Ural State Agrarian University (42 K. Liebknekhta Str., 620075, Ekaterinburg)
Keywords: modern Russia; system; management; agriculture.
Abstract: Management in the scientific literature is considered as a science, as an art and as a practical organizational activity. The science of management in modern understanding is a specific branch of scientific knowledge, which, unlike cybernetics (the science of the general features of control of any systems: biological, technical, social, etc.), is concerned with the study of processes and phenomena arising in social management during organized human interaction in order to achieve the most effective results of joint work [1]. The main categories of management are the object and subject of management, direct and inverse relations between them, organization, external and internal environment, management system, management activities, types of management, organizational structure, management personnel, management methods, management culture. The object of management is what is controlled, a person, organization, structural subdivision, industry, state, etc. The subject of management is the one who controls the source of administrative activity, which can be either an individual or a social group. Direct and feedback relations exist between the subject and the object of management. Direct communication is a command coming from the subject to the control object. Feedback – information from the object to the control subject about the execution of commands and the state of the object itself. Thus, management is a continuous process of influence of a manager (a subject of management) on an organized group of people or on one of this group (object of management) in organizing and coordinating their joint activities in order to achieve the best results [2].